Keynotes 1 Flashcards
a bratt tan gnome shift ooze belly button babies stunted
Abrotanum (Abrot) Southernwood
- diseases that shift locations (glands) - discharges that ooze from the navel - babies failure to thrive/stunted growth
abs sin thumb epilepsy klepto
Absinthium (Absin) Wormwood
- epilepsy - kleptomania
Aesculus hippocastanum
ass callous hemorrhoids stick pin varicose veins sacrum pin
Aesculus hippocastanum (Aesc) Horse Chestnut
- hemorrhoids w/ sticking pain - varicose veins - sacral-iliac pain
Aethusa cynapium
a medusa chai vomiting baby horse milk pier eyes closed
Aethusa cynapium (Aeth) Fool’s Parsley
- very shy people - vomiting in babies - agg from milk - fear to close eyes @ night because afraid never going to wake up
Agaricus muscarius
Agar cuss mascara nerve cyst stem pan attacks pier cancer frost bite
Agaricus muscarius (Agar) Fly / Bug Agaric (a fungus containing # of toxins)
- nervous system disorders - panic attacks - fear of cancer - frost bite
Agnus castus
angus cast depressed old sex
Agnus castus (Agn) Chaste Tree - depressed, melancholy states, esp in men who have become prematurely old because of sheer amount of sex they’ve had
Allium cepa
alien seep acid nose discharge
Allium cepa (All-c) Red Onion - acrid nasal discharges
aloe diarrhea gurgling
Aloe (Aloe) Socotrine Aloe
- diarrhea, with lots of gurgling in intestines, & run to bathroom but don’t quite make it (sounds like volcano about to erupt)
Ambra grisea
umbra grays whores stranglers/stranger muzak chai in miniature
Ambra grisea (Ambr) Ambergris (secretion from whale)
- agg from strangers - agg from music - very shy - immature
Ambrosia artemisaefolia
amber/ammo Osho hay fiver ($) itching eyes
Ambrosia artemisaefolia (Ambro)Ragweed - hay fever, esp. with itchy eyes
Ammonium carbonicum
ammo knee carbon lungs & heart ‘full of water’ heart fail wok nest
Ammonium carbonicum (Am-c) Smelling Salts
- lungs & heart fill up w/ fluid which leads to congestive heart failure - lots of weakness
Anal gals eruption palm
Anagallis (Anag) Scarlet Pimpernel
- eruptions on palms (psoriasis / eczema)
Angustura vera
Angus stir coffee violet temper bones torn up
Angustura vera (Ang) Bark of Galipea cusparia
- desire for coffee (very, very strong desire) - violent temper out bursts - osteomylitis (infection of bones, bones being torn apart)
Anal onion ‘out of body’ nun phone shine
Anhalonium (Anh) Anhalonium (a cactus)
- spaced out people - out of body feeling - not able to function
Amtraks/anthracite (coal) cinema black abscess
Anthracinum (Anthr) Anthrax Poison
- abscesses that turn black very easily
Antimonium crudum
Auntie moan crude warts pickles stomach white tongue air table child locked mat
Antimonium crudum (Ant-c) Black Sulphide of Antimony
- warts - loves pickles - lots of stomach problems - white coated tongue - irritable children - aversion to being looked at
Antimonium tart
Auntie moan tarte wok nest hard mucous chest rattle loose cough
Antimonium tartaricum (Ant-t) Tartrate of Antimony & Potash
- weakness - lots of mucus in chest, hard to bring up, rattling loose cough but doesn’t come up (cannot move fluid out of lungs)
Apis mel.
Apes melon sting pins hot thrust lass batter cold apple pie swell pane urine
Apis mellifica (Apis) Honey-bee poison
- stinging pains - hot but thirstless - amel by cold applications - swelling & edema - painful urination
Aralia racemosa
oral leo race ass ma respirator track inject horse lying ‘goal post’ (11)
Aralia racemosa (Aral) American Spikenard - asthma / upper resp. tract infections, esp. worse lying down & around 11pm
Arm nick injured horse touch sore bruise water nose bleed
Arnica (Arn) Leopard’s Bane
- injuries worse w/ touch - sore, bruised - when water hits face, nose bleeds
Arsenicum iodatum
Arson scum ‘eye old’ hot blood viper kids
Arsenicum iodatum (Ars-i) Iodide of Arsenic
- very hot blooded kids - hyper kids
Arum triphyllum
harem trip acid nose discharge voice cracks pick lip & nose bleeds
Arum triphyllum (Arum-t) Jack in the Pulpit (Indian Turnip)
- acrid nasal discharge - with voice cracking - with pick lip/nose to point of bleeding
Asarum europaeum
ass sore room ‘you-rope’ cents-dive nerves Noahs
Asarum europaeum (Asar) European Snake Root - really hyped up nervous systems where extremely sensitive to noise
vassel lion tuber lion ring worm
Bacillinum (Bac) Maceration of Tuberculous Lung Tissue
- sim to Tuberculinum - plus lots of ringworm
Bodega head axe eye ball cough mucous flying
Badiaga (Bad) Fresh-water Sponge
- headaches that go right to eye ball - no nonsense, blatant cough with a bunch of mucus flying out at same time
Baptisia tinctoria
baptize septic(tank) rot loose metal dial lotion ripped apart
Baptisia tinctoria (Bapt) Wild Indigo
- septic states (smells like rot) - losing mental ability - delusion as if body being ripped apart
bell down/dama sodden congest pulsation in-flame abscess head axe horse stoop swelling pin red hot-head cold-extremities
Belladonna (Bell) Deadly Nightshade
- sudden congestion / pulsations / inflammations / abscesses anywhere in body - headaches w/ same feeling, congestion, throbbing - headaches worse stooping, bending forward - KN: heat swelling pain redness - Hot head cold extremities
Bellis perennis
bell pair tennis Arm nick pins gut/pelvis
Bellis perennis (Bell-p) Daisy - aches & pains similar to Arnica, but tends to be more in the gut / pelvis area
Berberis vulgaris
barbers vulture kidney stones injection/infection thigh bubble
Berberis vulgaris (Berb) Barberry -kidney stones / infections, esp where pain goes down thigh and bubble sensation in kidney area
business/isthmus pyloris vomit stomach batter ice
Bismuthum (Bism) Bismuth
- pyloric cancers / hard pyloris (muscle at exit of stomach / enterance of intestines) - vomiting as soon as anything hits stomach - vomiting better with chewing on / eating ice, ice cold drinks
board axe ‘canker sores’ veer down viper cents dive
Borax (Bor) Biborate of Sodium
- canker sores, really bad & repeated - fear of downward motion - very hyper sensitive kids
Bothrops lanceolatus
boat raps lance clots strokes
Bothrops lanceolatus (Both) Yellow Viper
- clots (thrombosis)
- strokes (in legs)
- wants to form clots anywhere in the body where it shouldn’t
Bow vest diarrhea menses
Bovista (Bov) Puff Ball
- intense diarrhea during menses
broom mum respiratory big hard swollen glands in neck
Bromium (Brom) Bromine
- upper respiratory tract infections w/ really big hard swollen
glands in neck
brie onion in-flame horse/whores molten badder/batter pressure cold hairy table dried
Bryonia (Bry) Wild Hop
- lots of different inflammations, raumas, infections - worse motion - better pressure, cold - irritable, dryness
frog buffet dough lay masturbate
Bufo (Bufo) Toad
- developmentally delayed, autistic (most common remedy for), - masturbating a lot
Cactus grandiflorus
cactus grind flowers constriction band vise heart ovaries head axe
Cactus grandiflorus (Cact) Night-blooming Cereus - sensation of constriction like a band / vice around heart, ovaries, headache
Caladium seguinum
coal stadium segway tobacco sex drive
Caladium seguinum (Calad) American Arum (plant)
- craved tobacco, Big Time - men with really high sex drive once they get impotent
Calcarea fluorica
caulk area floor warm caulk bone growth lumps tumors arthritis molten
Calcarea fluorica (Calc-f) Fluoride of Lime
- similar to Calc carb, but very warm blooded
- have tendency towards bone growth (heal spurs)
- gland / lump formation, uterine fibroids, breast tumor
- arthritis w/ symptoms of Rhus-t (worst w/ 1st motion, better
w/ continued motion)
Calcarea sulphurica
Caulk area soaper swarm blood carve green hairy table jello discharge ( yellow-white, green)
Calcarea sulphurica (Calc-s) Sulphate of Lime, Plaster of Paris, Gypsum
- combo between Calc carb / Sulph - tend to be warm blooded - craves oranges, green/sour fruit - irritable, jealous - discharges anywhere that keep coming, yellow-white,green
camp/amphora chili uncover wok flew diarrhea
Camphora (Camph) Camphor
- very, very chilly people, yet want to uncover (not lots of clothes, blankets) very weak (w/ flu or with diarrhea)
Can thermos sudden intense in-flamed burns nymph mane
Cantharis (Canth) Spanish Fly
- sudden, intense inflammation w/intense burning - burns, 2nd/3rd degree - drank really hot tea & burned themselves - intense nymphomania (excessive & uncontrollable sexual desire in females)
caps cum alcohol red cheeks mastodon home sick
Capsicum (Caps) Cayenne Pepper
- alcoholism - really red cheeks - mastoid problems (bone behind ear) - home sicknesses
Carbo animalis
carburator animal cancer wok coccyx pin
Carbo animalis (Carb-an) Animal Charcoal
- cancers with intense weakness - coccyx pain (as if fell on tailbone)
(Johnny) Carson cancer “cafe au lait spots”
Carcinosinum (Carcinosin) (Carc) Nosode from carcinoma
- history of cancer in family - cafe au lait spots - really nice people
Castor equi
castor inky psoriasis tongue cracked nipples
Castor equi (Cast-eq) Thumbnail of the Horse - psoriasis of the tongue (cracked) & cracked nipples
coal felon pin full uterus closed
Caulophyllum (Caul) Blue Cohosh
- very painful during labor, uterus opening is closed & hard & doesn’t want to open
Cenchris contortrix
sentries contortion snake lake jellos grey sea
Cenchris contortrix (Cench) Copperhead Snake
- lots of similarities w/ Lachesis
- women tend to be lot more jealous, lot crazier,
irrational, esp. right before period
Chelidonium majus
jelly donut right-side liver pins shoulder in tents right-side head axe batter hot drinks
Chelidonium majus (Chel) Greater celandine (weedy plant of poppy family)
- right sided liver pains that go to shoulder, back, scapula - intense right sided headaches, esp. better with hot drinks & even more esp. w/ hot milk (also digestion)
Cicuta virosa
cicada virus head injury epilepsy inn dye chest children
Cicuta virosa (Cic) Water Hemlock
- injury to head or spine which leads to intense convulsions / epilepsy - may desire indigestible foods, like sand - tends to be remedy for children
shimmy seafood black cloud head axe opening
Cimicifuga (Cimic) Black Snake-root
- (often in women) feels like blackcloud landed over them & surrounds them - headaches that feel like head is opening & closing - hysterical, talkative, loud people
scene aerie table eating vomit convulsion
Cina (Cina) Wormseed
- very irritable children - hungry, eating, throw-up - convulsions
scene bears sinusitis glasses little red dots on head of penis
Cinnabaris (Cinnb) Red Sulphide of Mercury
- sinusitis feels like weight of glasses sitting on nose - little red dots on head of penis
Cistus Canadensis
Cysts Canada monocle leo conic fat teak sine drum chili big glands cheese
Cistus Canadensis (Cist) Rock Rose
- mononucleosis, chronic fatigue syndrome - very chilly people - big, big glands - tonsils, cervical - strong desire for dairy, cheese
Clematis erecta
clean mats erect testicles swelling skin eruption
Clematis erecta (Clem) Upright Virgin’s Bower
- testicular problems - pain & swelling - really bad skin eruptions
cock ass yurt glow molten head opening & closing nausea food chemicals
Cocculus (Cocc) Indian Cockle,Cocculus Indicus
- vertigo (for any reason) that is worse w/ motion - sensation of head opening & closing - nausea from smell / sight of food - nausea from chemo/radiation (sick, throw up, dizzy)
Coccus cacti
Coke cactus cough stuck in eye & throat
Coccus cacti (Coc-c) Cochineal insect (that feeds on cacti)
- intense cough - feeling like something / particle in eye or throat
Coffea cruda
coffee crude (oil) steam/stem inflate fall a sheep cents dive
Coffea cruda (Coff) Coffee (unroasted bean)
“as if drank too much coffee”
- overexcited / stimulated
- cannot fall asleep
- oversensitive to pain, smells, touch, light, etc.
coach cone eggs goat coal Audis horse molten whores atom doubling over
Colchicum (Colch) Meadow Saffron
- nausea from/hatred smell of eggs - gout, colitis - worse motion - worse in autumn - better doubling up (bending forward)
calling sewn hemorrhoids cans tap ashen
Collinsonia (Coll) Stone Root
- really bad hemorrhoids - constipation
coal santas crampon batter doubling hit press
Colocynthis (Coloc) Bitter Apple
- cramps & colics - better doubling up, with heat, with pressure - used for sciatica as well
Crocus sativus
crow cuss sat bleeding from nose & vagina stringy dark blood
Crocus sativus (Croc) Saffron
- bleeding, esp from nose / vagina, where clotted,
stringy, dark blood
Crotalus horridus
croat/coat lass horrid snake alcoholic blood oozing everywhere
Crotalus horridus (Crot-h) Rattle snake
- similar to Lachesis - alcoholism - tears of blood - lots of bleeding easily, every where oozing out
Croton tiglium
cruton tiger pin nipple back simmer explosive diarrhea repeating
Croton tiglium (Crot-t) Croton oil seeds
- pain in nipples that goes straight back, like string pulling backwards (sharp and retracting pain) - summer diarrhea, that is explosive and over, then repeats
coon door Ringo cancer cracked lips
Cundurango (Cun) Cundurango (South American vein)
- cancer / lots of crack of the lips (esp in the corners)
Cuprum metallicum
copper metal crampon (from hands in) pier fire ice water
Cuprum metallicum (Cupr) Copper
- cramps anywhere, for any reason - KN: cramps from injury - cramps start in hand (outer extremities) and work way in - fear of fire - thirst for ice cold water
cur (dog) rare pair palaces feeler
Curare (Cur) Strychnos toxifera (used in S. American poison dart)
- paralysis where can still feel everything (as in viral infections: Polio)
cycle men pulse chili menses dark clotted blood
Cyclamen (Cycl) Sowbread
- like Puls except much chillier - used for menstruation w/ lots of dark clotted blood
Daphne indica
Daffy (duck) India head separated from body
Daphne indica (Daph) Sweet-scented Spurge Laurel - feels like head is separated from body
digits (fingers) talus heart fail pulse slow wok swelling prostate
Digitalis (Dig) Foxglove
- heart failure where pulse is too slow / weak - may have swelling of prostate w/ heart failure or on own
Dioscorea villosa
deos (god) Korea gall bladder pin bend back
Dioscorea villosa (Dios) Wild Yam
- colic, pain (in area of gall bladder or back), where
wants to bend backwards to feel better