Keyboard Shortcuts - The Function Keys Flashcards
Completes the Spell Check. (Tools, Spell Check option).
When SpeedType is on, it opens SpeedType.
Opens the Save As command to save a document.
Shift + F3
Changes the case of letters. Alternates between caps, sentence case, and lower case.
Shift + F10
Displays a shortcut dialog box as if you have right clicked.
Ctrl + F2
Opens the Print Preview for the document you are working in.
Ctrl + F4
Closes the Microsoft Word document you are working in without closing Microsoft Word.
Ctrl + F12
Chooses the Open command to open a file. (Ctrl + Alt + F2 does the same)
Ctrl + Shift + F12
Chooses the Print command.
Alt + F4
Closes any window.
Alt + F7
Finds the next misspelling or grammatical error.
Ctrl + Shift + W
Underlines words but not spaces.
Ctrl + =
Activates and deactivates the subscript format.
Ctrl + Shift + Plus Sign
Activates and deactivates the superscript format.
Ctrl + Enter
Adds a page break to the document.
Shift + Enter
Adds a line break to the document. Also known as a hard return.
Ctrl + E
Centers the text between the margins.
Ctrl + J
Justifies to both margins.
Ctrl + L
Justifies to the left margin.
Ctrl + R
Justifies to the right margin.
Ctrl + left arrow
One word to the left.
Ctrl + right arrow
One word to the right.
Ctrl + arrow up
Up one paragraph.
Ctrl + arrow down
Down one paragraph.
To the end of a line.
To the beginning of a line.
Ctrl + Home
To the beginning of the document.
Ctrl + Page Up
To the top of the previous page.
Ctrl + Page Down
To the top of the next page.
Alt + Shift + left arrow
To return a list to the left margin.
Ctrl + W
Close a document.
Ctrl + N
Create a new document.
Ctrl + O
Open a document from a folder.
Ctrl + H
Open the find and replace box.
Ctrl + Shift + O
Open the Dictionary