Key words quiz 2 Flashcards
Fur Trade (Deffiniton)
a period of time starting in the 1500’s where fur pelts were traded for other objects.
Fur Trade (Example)
trades happened between indigenous people and early european explorers.
Scurvy (Definiton)
a disease caused by a deficiency of vitamin C, characterized by swollen bleeding gums and the opening of previously healed wounds
Scurvy (Example)
it particularly affected poorly nourished sailors until the end of the 18th century.
Order of Good Cheer (Definiton)
a French Colonial order founded in 1606 by Champlain to lift spirits and pass the time.
Order of Good Cheer (Example)
Members took turns providing fresh game and, as chief steward of the day, leading a ceremonial procession to the table.
Voyager (Deffiniton)
a person who makes a long journey to a distant or unknown place especially by ship or boat.
Voyager (Example)
Christopher Columbus
Import (Definition)
To bring (goods or services) into a country from abroad for sale.
Import (Example)
Oil or computers
Export (Definition)
send (goods or services) to another country for sale.
Export (Example)
Currious De Bois (Definiton)
People who were hired to transport goods between indigenous people and the early euopeans along the east coast
Currious De Bois (Example)
“Runners of the Woods”, had to cover vast distances, dangerous job for a variaty of reasons (early inaccurate maps, non friedly tribes, predatory mammals, insects).
Donnacona (Definiton)
Donnaconna was the chief of the St. Lawrence Iroquois village Stadacona