Key Words And Terms Flashcards
When a series of words start with the same letter or sound, e.g. “Held out her hand”
An indirect reference to something else, e.g. Fitzgerald alludes to Keats poem ‘Ode to a nightingale’ when daisy claims she hears the nightingale’s song in their garden.
When a word or idea can be interpreted in different ways
American Dream
The idea that Americans are free to achieve anything if they work hard. In the 1920’s the American Dream was linked the pursuit of wealth.
The repetition of a word or sequence of words at the beginning of nearby clauses.
A hatred of Jewish people.
Art Deco
A style of design that inspired elegant and functional buildings, furniture and art.
In economic terms, a period of prosperity.
Smuggling and selling alcohol in secret during the time of prohibition in America.
Choric Voice
Using, or taking on a narrative role that is similar to the ‘chorus’ in Greek Tragedy- i.e. Commenting on the action of the plot. ‘Choric’ suggests multiple voices speaking together.
A widespread preoccupation with buying, or wanting to buy, consumer goods.
A short and meaningful quotation or phrase at the beginning of a book or chapter.
In literature, a movement concerned with how women are presented by writers.
A type of 1920’s girl, who wore low-waisted dresses and had short hair-they challenged traditional expectations of how women should act, e.g. smoking, drinking and having casual sex.
A character who contrasts with one of the main characters, e.g. Wilson is a foil to Tom.
The type of literature a work is, e.g. novel or poem or it’s features, e.g. structure or plot.
The type of literature a work is, e.g. romance, gothic, detective, sci-fi etc
Gold Rush
A large migration of people to an area following the discovery of gold there.