key words Flashcards
The degree to which particles are the same size
Mechanically formed
sedimentary rocks result from the processes of erosion, transport and deposition of clasts
the background material of small grains in which larger grains occur
the ability of a material to permanently change shape without fracturing
refers to the tendency of a rock to split into thin layers
spherical grains showing concentric banding of carbonate material. These are less than 2mm in diameter
a microcrystalline calcite, a depositional matrix of lime mud
the minerals precipitated between grains in sedimentary rocks binding them together
carbonate material excreted by animals. They lack concentric structures and are normally 0.04 to 0.08mm in diameter
all the changes that take place in sediments at low temperatures and pressure, at or near to the earth’s surface
the process of changing unconsolidated sediment into rock
pressure dissolution
occurs where minerals dissolve as the result of applied pressure because pressure dissolution leads to a reduction of volume of the rock in which it occurs
the volume occupied by spaces in between sedimentary grains. A reduction in porosity squeezes fluid from pore spaces
partly decomposed plant remains with high water content
a carbon rich rock formed from fossil plant remains
the ability of a rock to allow fluids such as water to pass through it
fluvio glacial deposits
sediments produced by glacial melt water streams flowing from a glacier
palaeo environment indicator
a sedimentary structure formed in specific environmental conditions in the ancient past
palaeo current indicator
a sedimentary structure that allows the direction of an ancient current to be deduced
way up structure
allow geologists to work out whether rocks are in their original orientation or whether they have been inverted of folded
point bar
deposits of sand or coarser grained sediments on the inside of a meander bend
channel lag
coarse grained sediment left in a channel after finer grained particles have been transported away
flood plain
flat land adjacent to a river over which it spreads when in flood
upward fining
describes a series of layers in which average grain size decreases upwards as energy decreases
flash floods
brief but very high energy flows of water over a surface or down a river channel usually caused by heavy rainfall
river channels in a hot desert regions in which flow may occur very occasionally
playa lakes
temporary lakes formed by storm run off in deserts having inland drainage
sedimentary rocks resulting from the evaporation of saline water
occurs where the sea spreads over the land
occurs where the sea retreats from the land
the hard shell of some planktonic animals
the disturbance of sediment by the activities of organisms
a stream channel that takes water away from the main stream channel
represent layers repeated due to cyclic sedimentation
a fragment of broken rock produced by mechanical weathering and erosion