key words Flashcards
Atypical Antipsychotics
a psychoactive drug that treats both positive and negative systems of schizophrenia, acting on dopamine and serotonin receptors
Medical Model
the view all mental disorders are related to some changes in the body. Mental disorders are physical disorders i.e they are illnesses
Chemical substances such as serotonin or dopamine, which play an important part of the workings of the nervous system by transmitting nerve impluses across a synapse
Parient lobes
Located in both hemispheres between the frontal and occipital lobes. its function is to process sensory information
Post-synaptic receptor:
The receptor in a nehron that is recieving a message, after the synapse
the environment of evolutionary adaptiveness. the enviroment to any species thats adapted and the selective pressues that existed in that time
Gamma-amnio-butyric acid. A neurotransmitter thatbregulates excitement in the nervous system acting as a natural form of anxiety reduction
a drug / treatment that contains no active ingredients or therapeutic procedure
Diathesis - stress
a diathesis is a generic predisposition whichis only manifested if certain stressors trigger it
a method of recording changes in dlectrical activity of the brain using electrodes attached go the scalp
a hirmine that also acts as a neurotransmitter. Its effects is to promote feelings if pleasure and its realise is associated with bonding and trust
PET scans
position emmision tomography. A brain svanninf method used to study activity in thwnbrain. Radioactive gkucose isninfested and can be detected in active areas of the brain
a neurotransmitter produced in the brain, involved in sexual desire and the sensation of pleasure. High levels are associated with schizophrenia
slective serotonin reuptKe inhibitors. Commonly prescribed for treating depression
Beta Blockers
a drug that decreases anxiety by reducing activity of adrenalines and noradrenaline which are produced by the symalthetic brac of the ANS repsonse to stress