Key Words Flashcards
A hormone involved in keeping water levels constant
Antibiotic resistance
When microbes are not killed off by antibiotics
Drugs that kill bacteria but NOT viruses
Made by white blood cells. They have a specific shape that fits over the microbe to help kill it
Found on the surface of a micro-organism
Blood vessels that carry oxygenated blood away from the heart
Single celled organism that do not have a nucleus. They can cause disease.
Blood pressure
The pressure exerted by the blood pushing on the walls of a blood vessel
Tiny blood vessels that are one cell thick. They carry blood to the tissues
Double blind trial
A clinical trial where no one is aware of the drug being taken - either its real or placebo.
Carries out a change in your body to keep internal conditions constant
Keeping conditions inside the body the same
When your body is able to fight off an invading micro-organism quickly usually because you have been exposed to it before
Organs in the body that remove waste urea from the blood and keep water levels constant (urine)
Memory Cells
A type of white blood cell that lasts in the body for a long time. They produce antibodies.
Living organisms that can be seen by looking through a microscope - include: bacteria, viruses and fungi
A type of bacteria that has become immune to antibiotics. SUPERBUG
Negative feedback
when the body produces a response to reverse a change
Pituitary gland
part of the brain that is responsible for releasing ADH
A fake version of a drug
Pulse Rate
the rate at which the heart beats
Detects change in your body and passes the information to your brain
Injecting a dead or weak version of a microbe to trick your body into producing antibodies and memory cells.
Blood vessels that carry de oxygenated blood towards the heart to be oxygenated - then Arteries carry it back away from the heart.
Micro-organisms that can only live and reproduce inside living cells
White blood cells (WBC)
Cells in the blood that fight micro-organisms. Some WBC digest invading micro-organisms whilst others produce antibodies.