Key Words Flashcards
What is Tourism?
Travel away from the home environment
a) for leisure, recreation and holidays
b) to visit friends and relations
c) for business and professional reasons
What is a package tour?
The most popular form of foreign holiday where travel, accommodation and meals may all be included in the price and booked in advanced, usually through a travel agent. Optional extras such as car hire and special visits may also be booked at the same time.
What is the meaning of international tourist arrivals?
Tourists travelling to a country, which is not their place of residence, for more than one day nut not longer than one year.
What is the meaning of international tourism receipts?
Money spent by visitors from abroad in a destination country.
What is the meaning of tourist-destination country?
A country that receives a significant number of international tourists.
What is the meaning of tourist-generating country?
A country that supplies a significant number of international tourists.
What is the meaning of globalisation?
The increasing interconnectedness of the world economically, culturally and politically.
What is the meaning of external shock?
An economic, political or other trend or event in a major market that significantly reduces the demand for tourism at a particular destination or a range of destinations.
What is the meaning of a niche market?
Small markets that deal in a specialised product.
What is the meaning of a honey-pot location?
A place of great interest to a large number of tourists which can become extremely overcrowded at peak times.
What is the meaning of community structure?
The form and development of the community in human populations.
What is the meaning of Travel and tourism satellite accounting?
A comprehensive system of accounting that includes not only direct expenditure and receipts but also all the indirect knock-on effects.
What is the meaning of capital investment (in tourism)?
Money invested in hotels, attraction, airports, roads and other aspects of infrastructure that facilitates high volume of tourists.
What is the meaning of economic leakages?
The part of the money a tourist pays for a foreign holiday that does not benefit the destination country because it goes elsewhere.
What is the meaning of the multiplier effect?
A new or expanding economic activity in a region creates new employment and increases the amount of money circulating in the region. In turn, this attracts further economic development creating more employment, services and wealth.
What is the meaning of a growth pole?
A place or region where a high concentration of investment stimulates economic growth. Such prosperity may then spread, at least to a certain extent, to the wider surrounding area.
What is the meaning of sustainable tourism?
Tourism organised in such a way that its level can be sustained in the future without creating irreparable environmental, social and economic damage to the receiving area.
What is the meaning of community tourism?
This aspect of the industry fosters opportunities at the community level for local people.
What is the meaning of pro-poor tourism?
Tourism that results in increased net benefits for poor people.
What is the meaning of responsible tourism?
Visiting a destination in such a way to cause minimal negative impact on its environment and the culture of the host community.
What is the meaning of destination footprint?
The environmental impact caused by an individual tourist on holiday in a particular destination.
What is the meaning of ecotourism?
A specialised form of tourism where people experience relatively untouched natural environment such as coral reefs, tropical forests and remote mountain areas, and ensure that their presence does no further damage to these environments.
What is the meaning of preservation?
Maintaining a location exactly as it is and not allowing development.
What is the meaning of conservation?
Allows for -developments that do not damage the character of a destination.