Key Words Flashcards
אי הכי
If so
(Introduces a question or objection to the above statement. Implying if what was just said was true the following problem would arise)
it was stated
(Introducing a dispute between two or more Amoraim)
בעי ר
R’ asked / requiered
(When a name is followed by the word then it is a question, ortherwise it means requiered)
It is good
(Begins an objection. Starts with a case which works, followed by the word אלא and then the case where there is a problem)
The matter itself
(Introduction of a previously quoted Tannaic statement that is now going to be further analyzed)
הא גופא קשיא
The matter itself is a difficulty
(Introduces an implied internal contradiction of a quoted Tannaic statement)
היכי דמי
what is the case
(What is the scenario where this case could make sense?)
what is the law?
(Asking what the law would be in a specific hypothetical case)
מאי טעמא
what is the reason
(What is the logic for the above rule)
מאי איריא
what kind of choice is this
(Why did you pick this case which is too limited, when you could have chosen a case which is more inclusive)
Since that
(Introduction to a question that uses information previously presented in order to raise a difficulty or to clarify an issue)
(An answer expalining why the two cases in conflict are not comparable)
תא שמע
come and learn
(Introduces a teaching from the Tannaim or a pasuk, as as a support to a specific opinion or statement)
(Introduces a support based on logic)
let it stand
(We do not have answer to the previous quetion(s))