Key Words Flashcards
Accelerated Freeze Drying (AFD)
Where food is frozen and dried under vacuum.
5 a Day Campaign
A government campaign encouraging us to eat five portions of fruit and vegetables a day.
Informing people about products, services or events, and persuading people to buy things.
Ambient temperature
Room temperature
Anaphylactic shock
A potentially fatal condition caused by allergy to certain foods.
Anorexia nervosa
An eating disorder where people restrict the amount of food they eat.
Chemicals found in vitamins A, C and E that help protect the body from disease.
AOAC fibre
Fibre as defined by the American Association of Analytical Chemists, including a lignin and resistant starch.
Single-celled organisms that are useful, but can be harmful.
Basal metabolic rate (BMR)
The energy used when the body is at rest.
Best before date
Code used in foods with short to medium shelf life.
Binge drinking
When people drink excessive amounts of alcohol in a short time.
Biodegradable packaging
Packaging that can be broken down by other living organisms.
A machine that changes food waste into electricity and bio fertiliser.
Fuels made from food crops.
Yogurt with added bacteria to aid digestion.
Body Mass Index (BMI)
A method for estimating body fat.
When starch is heated to a high temperature.
Bulking agents
Ingredients that are cheap and add volume to food products.
Coeliac disease
Gluten intolerance - foods with gluten cannot be eaten.
Combination or composite foods
Foods that contain foods from several groups on the eatwell plate.
Complex carbohydrates
Polysaccharides that are made up of glucose units, including starch.
When heat us conducted from molecule to molecule in solids or liquids.
People who use things.
When heat travels round liquids and air by convection currents.
Convenience food
Food that is ready-prepared to make it easy to cook and eat.
Cook-chill food
Food that is cooked then chilled to very low temperatures.
Coronary heart disease
A disease linked to high fat intake.
When bacteria cross from one food to another.
Cryogenic freezing or immersion freezing
When food is immersed or sprayed with liquid nitrogen.
Danger zone
The temperature range 5-63 degrees Celsius, when food can be spoiled or become dangerous to eat.
Deficiency of a mineral
When the mineral is in poor supply in the diet.
When the body is short of water.
Dental caries
Tooth decay
Dietary reference values (DRVs)
A series of estimates of the amount of energy and nutrients needed by different groups of healthy people in the UK population.
Estimated Average Requirements (EARs)
Estimated average requirements for energy.
Eatwell plate
A plate diagram showing the proportions of different food groups that we should eat to maintain a healthy and well-balanced diet.
Help fat and oil disperse in very fine droplets.
Energy balance
When energy in from food is the same as energy out from activities - it is the right amount of energy for our body needs.
Englyst method
A method of fibre analysis used for NSP measurement.
A number showing that the additive has been accepted as safe by the countries of the EU.
Proteins that speed up chemical reactions but are not used up in the process.
Essential amino acids
Amino acids that have to be eaten, as the body cannot make them.
To do with morals, whether something is right or wrong.
Expenditure and Food Survey
The government survey that finds out what foods we are eating and trends in our eating habits.
Fair trade
Trade that aims to give producers a fair price for what they grow or make, and to help them improve their working conditions.
Farmers’ market
A local market that sells locally produced food.
Food allergy
A type of intolerance that involves the immune system.
Food fortification
Adding nutrients to food products.
Food intolerance
When the body reacts to a certain food or food ingredient.