key words Flashcards
The Old Testament custom of pouring oil onto kings heads at their coronation came to have Messianic signi cance. Mark saw the anointing of Jesus at Bethany as a sign that he was the Messiah, and it showed that people should do what they can to help others.
‘She has done what she could’
Christians believe that the Bible, religious leaders and statements of belief, eg the Apostles Creed should be respected as conveying deep religious truths. Christians believe St. Marks Gospel comes from it dealing with The events of Jesus life, but they accept some vents may be different as it was written 35 yrs later.
The sacrament through which people become members of the Church. In Marks Gospel, John the Baptist used baptism as a way of washing away sins in readiness for the coming of the Messiah. He also baptised Jesus, though this was not connected with washing away of sin.
This event led to a voice Christians believe was God saying ‘this is my son with whom I am well pleased’
An important officer in the Roman Army. A centurion was present at Jesus crucixion, and after Jesus death he said ‘this truly was the son of God’
The leader promised by God to the Jews. The word literally means Anointed One in Greek; the Hebrew equivalent is Messiah. Christians believe Jesus to be the Christ.
Messiah means ‘anointed one’·
The messiah to be line of David which jesus was.
Also inks to messianic secret
The occasion, after the Resurrection, when the risen Jesus told the Eleven to preach the good news to the whole world.
‘Go into the world and preach the Good news… and the ones who believe shall be saved.’
A Christian symbol, based on the sacri ce of Jesus at his crucixion. The object on which Jesus was crucified.
Roman method of execution by which criminals were nailed to a cross. The execution and death of Jesus on Good Friday.
Jesus said ‘God why have you forsaken me’ which suggests he was separated from god.
his crucifixion caused great suffering which is encouraging and comforting to Christians.
Followers of Jesus. This term is often used to refer the first twelve followers of Jesus. Any Christian, of any age, who lives their life according to Gospel values
‘those who lose their life for my sake… will be saved’
shows the cost of discipleship but also that those faithful will be rewarded which is comforting to Christians especially those being persecuted.
To treat someone or something differently either favouring or denying something, eg not allowing lepers to be part of the community in Marks Gospel. But God cares for the outcasts and wants others to do the same they should do we they can like the women who anointed Jesus in Bethany
An Old Testament prophet. It was believed that he would come to help good people in trouble and return to prepare the way for the Messiah.
Was present at the transfiguration of Jesus. ‘and to them appeared Elijah and Moses who were talking to Jesus’
Belief and trust in someone, eg Jesus
many miracles such as the healing of the woman with the haemorrhage were performed through faith
‘if I but touch his clothes I shall be made well.’
shows her faith in Jesus and her acknowledgement of his authority
However her faith waivers when Jesus asked who touched him
Garden outside Jerusalem where Jesus prayed before his arrest and execution.
‘Abba, Father! You can do all things. Don’t make me drink from this cup. But do what you want, not what I want.’
inspires Christians facing persecution - if Jesus can face it so can I
Literally Skull Hill; it is the place where Jesus was crucified.
Literally Good News, there are four Gospels telling of the life and work of Jesus.
Severe loss of blood
miracles such as the healing of the woman with the haemorrhage were performed through faith
‘if I but touch his clothes I shall be made well.’
shows her faith in Jesus and her acknowledgement of his authority
However her faith waivers when Jesus asked who touched him