Key Words Flashcards
היכי דמי
What is the case
(Asking either an information or attack question about either how or what could be the situation of the case presented)
בעי ר
R’ asked
(Some one asks a question seeking clarification)
Let it stand
(There is no current answer to the question)
What is the law
( What is the law in this hypothetical situation)
It was stated
(Introduces an argument between two Amoraim)
תא שמע
Come and learn
(Introduces a quote from a Tanaic source or earlier to prove an opinion correct)
מאי טעמא
What is the reason
(What is the reason or halachic basis for a specific law or opinion)
The matter itself
(Begins a new idea by quoting something that was said earlier in passing)
It is good
(Presents a two part attack question, where the first part states waht makes sense and the second part is the question)
(Introduces a support to what was just said based on logic)
אי הכי
If so
(If what was just said abov is true, then the following difficulty arises)
הא גופא קשיא
The matter itelf is a difficulty
(Points out an internal contradiction between two parts of the same Tannaic teaching)
Since that
(Introduces a question based on previous information, that is assumed to be correct)
מאי איריא
What kind of choice is this
(Why did you choose this case when there was a better case that you should have used)
הכא במאי עסקינן
Here what are we dealing with
(A rhetorical question introducing details to a case that was under attack)
לא שנו אלא
It was not taught except
(Limits the situation for the law that was just discussed)
(If listed once then the Gemara will answer the question. If listed twice, then the indiviual has no answer.)
אזדא לטעמיה
Goes according to his reasoning
(Quotes another case showing how a Tanna or Amora is consistent with his line of reasoning)
‘אמר לך
R’ would say to you
(A potential answer that a Tanna or Amora could have given had he been asked the above challenge against him)
(Introduces a contradiction, by quoting something of an equal source that contradicts what was just said)
And furthermore
(Introduces a second question, following a previous question)
איבעית אימא
If you want I could say
(Introduces an additional pottential answer to an inquiry or objection)
הוה אמינא
I would have said
(I would have tried and said the following, which is wrong, if not for the above teaching or pasuk)
תניא נמי הכי
This was also taught in a Bariassa
(The gemara quotes a Bariassa to support a teaching of an Amora)
תנו רבנן
The Rabbis taught
(Introduces a new Baraissa, that is not directly connected to the previous topic)
הכי קאמר
This is what he meant to say
(Reinterprets what was just said because of a difficulty raised with the original understanding)
איכא דאמרי
There are those that say
(Introducing a variation of waht was just said.
Make sure you can identify the change!)
אימא סיפא
I will say the last case
(Quoting the second half of a statement, which creates a difficulty with what you just concluded)
קא משמע לן
It teaches us
(Concludes an answer that explains what new idea was taught from the source that otherwise would have not been understood)
Do you think? / Because of …
(At the start of a question it is rhetorical, asking “Do you think?”. In the middle of a question it is asking is this the reason for the above)
(Asking a question of why something was needed to be taught as it was an obvious ruling)
אלא אמר
Rather he said
(The above objection stands and therefore a new answer is presented for an earlier question)
He should have taught
(Asks that if your explanation of the Tanna would be true, then the Tanna should have taught his case as follows)
אי נמי
Or else
(Presents another answer or supposrt similar to the one above. Both can be true at the same time)
למה לי
Why is it needed
(Why are all of these cases or details needed, when one would have been enough)