Key Vocablary Flashcards
What does Theist mean?
A person who believes in God or Gods.
What is Theism?
The belief that there is a God or Gods.
What is monotheism?
The belief that there is only one God.
What is Polytheism?
The belief that there are many Gods.
What is atheism?
The belief that there is no such thing as God.
What is an atheist?
A person who does not believe in God.
What does Omnipresent mean?
God is present all of the time.
What does Omnipotent mean?
God is all powerful.
What does Omniscient mean?
God is all knowing.
What does Eternal mean?
God has always existed and will always exist.
What does Immanent mean?
God is involved with the world and interacts with the world.
What does Transcendent mean?
God is not limited in the ways humans are. e.g. time and space.
What does ineffable mean?
It means indescribable with human language.
What is the Via Negative?
It is a document which states that humans should describe what God is rather than what he is. e.g. God is not human.
What did Aristotle use instead of the word God?
The Prime Mover.