Key Vocab Terms Flashcards
Real Property
Relates to land and objects that are more or less permanently attached to it (homes, buildings, trees, etc.)
Personal Property
May include living objects and inanimate objects (ex. animal and a television)
Tangible Personal Property
Has a physical substance; can be held, tasted, seen or heard (ex. automobiles, tv’s and clothes)
Intangible Personal Property
Represents property that has a set of rights that have no physical existence but do represent control or ownership of something of value (ex. bonds, patents, copyrights)
Item of personal property that becomes real property because of its attachment to the land or a building (ex. air conditioning unit, dishwasher)
Riparian Rights
Rights of the owners of lands adjoining streams, rivers, and lakes relating to the water and its use
In regard to water law, doctrine stating that water belongs to the person who first makes beneficial use of it
Occupation of land evidence by visual acts such as enclosure, cultivation, the construction of improvements or the occupancy of existing improvements
Ability to acquire ownership to real property because of ones kinship to a deceased property owner who dies without a will
Transfer of real property by means of a last will and testament
Legal document by which a person disposes of his property. A will takes effect on the death of the maker of the will
The transfer of title of some or all of the ownership rights to real property from one person to another. A conveyance is usually by instrument such as a deed, lease, or mortgage
Written document that transfers ownership of real property from one person to another
Adverse Possession
Method of acquiring ownership to real property by possession for a statuary time period
The addition of possession periods by different adverse possessors
Color of Title
A form of adverse possession where the original possession of the property by a prescriber is based upon a written instrument such as a deed or court decree
Fee Simple (Absolute)
Estate of real property with infinite duration and no restrictions on use
Fee Simple Determinable
Estate of real property with potential infinite duration. The ownership of a fee simple determinable is subject to a condition, the breach of which can result in termination of the estate. A fee simple determinable automatically expires on the non-occurrence or occurrence of a condition
Life Estate
Estate of real property the duration of which is measured by the life or lives of one or more persons
Estate For Years
Estate of real property the duration of which is for a definite period
Estate at Will
Estate of real property the duration of which is for a indefinite period. An estate at will can be terminated at the will of the parties
right or privilege associated with real property in some way such as a parking space at a condo unit, an easement, or water rights, and is normally conveyed to the new owner when the property is sold.
Legal tests for a fixture
include: method of annexation: not easily removable
adaption to real estate- ordinarily considered a permanent addition
agreement of the parties: stated as part of real estate in the offer to purchase.
uniqueness of real property
a fixture is personal property that has been affixed to the and or to a building so that y law it becomes part of the real property.
trade fixtures
include property attached to the structure but used in the course of business such as
personal property: if removed by tenant and the premises are returned to original condition before the lease expires; and real property if left behind by tenant. The landlord can acquire this type of property by accession.
The legal principle that defines the mechanical processes required to convert an item of real property into personal property.
Construction Mortgage
A mortgage used to finance the construction or improvement of real property.
Prior appropriation
The person who is the first to use a body of water for economic purposes has a superior right