Key topic 2: Challenges to Elizabeth at home and abroad, 1569–88 Flashcards
The reason for the Revolt of the Northern Earls 1569-70
Nobles in the North felt they were losing influence and wanted to restore England to Catholocism. Norfolk arrested, Northumberland and Westmorland revolted; Spanish help did not arrive, the revolt was put down
Significance of the Revolt of the Northern Earls
Showed MQS could not be trusted and she remained in prison
Pope excommunicated Elizabeth and called on Catholics to depose her
Loyalty of Catholics now in doubt
Elizabeth strengthened control on North
The features and Significance of Plots: Ridolfi 1570
Ridolfi Italian banker; plotted to murder Elizabeth, Spanish invade and MQS queen. Ridolfi met wth Philip II Spain who promised 10,000 troops. Duke of Norfolk invovled - executed May 1572. Important: threat of Spain; England needed to improve relations with France; MQS still a threat; Government watched Catholics more closely
Features and significance of Throckmorton Plot
1583 Duke of Guise plotted to invade England and put MQS on throne with Francis Throckmorton. Walsingham discovered the plot, Throckmorton executed 1584. Significant: revealed the extent of the threat from foreign powers; A list of Catholic synmpathisers in England found; Government treated Catholics with more suspicion, 11,000 imprisoned or under surveillance. Act 1585 helping Catholic priests a capital offence.
The Babbington Plot 1586
Duke of Guise to invade and put MQS on throne, Supported by Spain and the Pope. Anthony Babington wrote to Mary the letters showed her involvement. Babington executed; Oct 1586 MQS sentenced to death, executed February 1587. By 1585 England and Spain virtually at war; persecution of Catholic intensified.
Why was MQS executed and why was it significant?
Mary was too dangerous to remain alive, focus for plots; the extent of the Catholic conspiracy; Relations with Spain came to war. Mary was an annointed monarch, executing her set a precendent.
Outbreak of War with Spain: Robert Dudley and the Netherlands 1585-88
Dutch protestants figting Spain (The Fury) Spain wanted to restore Catholocism. Duke of Parma - restored Spanish control.Aug 1585 Treaty of Nonsuch - Dudley to lead 7,000 english to support Netherlands. He prevent Parma from taking Ostend; Elizabeth now directly helping the Dutch.
Relations with Spain: why were they political and religious rivals with England?
Protestantism v Catholicism: they saw each other as a threat because of religion.
Elizabeth supporting the Dutch against the Spanish;
Spanish supported plots against Elizabeth.
Spanish treatment of Dutch protestants
Relations with Spain: Why were they commercial rivals? The New World, Sir Francis Drake, Privateers
Spain and England trade rivals for access to markets in New World, Russia, China, Turkey etc
Spanish control of Netherlands blocked trade in parts of europe.
Privateering supported by Elizabeth - attacks spanish shipping and colonies - 1572 Drake captured £40,000 in silver. By 1580 Spanish Netherlands bankrupt Elizabeth knighting Drake who Philip saw as a pirate.
Outbreak of war with Spain: Drake and Cadiz
From 1586 Spain building her Armada. March 1587 Drake attacked Spanish Navy and attacked Cadiz 19th-22nd April 1587, destroyed 30 ships and supplies.
Armada postponed for a year and Drake continued to attack shipping.
The Armada: why did Philip use the Armada and why did the English win and what were the consequences?
Armada aimed to transport Duke of Parma’s 27,000 troops across Channel - invade England. Spanish needed to control the Channel.
Weather played a role; Drake’s leadership; English ships smaller and more manouverable and English cannon were more powerful and load faster. Battle of Gravelines - Drake used fire ships.
Increased the prestige of England; showed strength of navy, boosted English confidence. Helped to support Dutch - Protestantism survived. Major setback for Spanish.