Key things Flashcards
Original jurisdiction of SCOTUS
Congress can’t expand original juris
Controversies with at least 1 state as party, ambassadors/public minister/consul
Public forum
A place that has been devoted to PUBLIC DISCOURSE either traditionally or by governmental designation
Does not matter if in general it’s freely accessible; needs to be for discourse
Due process challenge
Challenging party has initial burden
Supremacy clause
US constitution, federal laws, and treaties are the supreme law of the land
Federal gov, including agencies and instrumentalities need not comply with local tax or regulation unless congress consents
Establishment of religion
School-sponsored prayer must be reviewed under coercion test, which considers whether gov forced participation in a religious exercise
Public employees due process
Have a property interest in employment if they have an ongoing employment contract, can only be fired for cause, or receive assurances of continued employment
Privileges and immunities clause
Prohibits states from improperly discriminating against citizens of other states
Property clause
Gives congress absolute power to dispose of and regulate federally owned land and territories
Equal voting rights
14th and 15th amendment
14 - equal voting power, 1 person 1 vote
15 - ensures right to vote is not abridged on account of race
Taxing and spending clause
Grants congress extensive power to appropriate federal funds
Can require president and federal agencies to spend funds as explicitly directed in federal statute
Valid if uniformly imposed in every state where taxed good is found and reasonably related to revenue raising on its face
Freedom of association
Strict scrutiny of gov if they try to interfere and significantly burden group’s ability to express its views or carry out its mission
Electoral regulation
1st and 14th amendments
Standard for evaluating electoral regulation depends on whether burden imposed is ordinary (rational basis) or severe (strict scrutiny)
Appellate jurisdiction of SC
Congress can abridge it
Case filed after decision by either lower federal court or high state court
14th amendment
Right to procedural due process
Challenging party has initial burden of showing they have a protected life, liberty, or property interest at stake
Public employees have protected property interest in employment if they have an ongoing employment contract, can only be fired for cause, or receive assurances of continued employment
Freedom of association
Strict scrutiny of gov if they try to interfere and significantly burden group’s ability to express its views or carry out its mission
Right to freely associate, so gov cannot inquire about a person’s associations for sole purpose of withholding a right or benefit because of that person’s beliefs
Must show that inquiry is necessary to protect legitimate state interest
5th amendment
Law that treats similarly situated persons differently may violate equal protection through due process
Suspect class- strict scrutiny
Import export clause
Prohibits states from imposing any tax on any imported or exported goods or any commercial activity connected with imported goods
Congress has exclusive power to regulate foreign commerce
SCOTUS exclusive jurisdiction
Controversies between 2 or more states
Lower federal court jurisdiction
Congress has denied SCOTUS exclusive jurisdiction over
- cases involving foreign ambassadors, public ministers, or consuls
- cases between US and a state
- cases between state and citizens of another state or noncitizens
Fighting words
true threats are statements that a reasonable person would interpret as communicating a serious intent to commit unlawful violence toward a specific group or individual. Facially valid law can still be unconstitutional as applied to challenging party - “strangle every one of them” was not a trust threat, it was merely political hyperbole that amused the crowd
Presidential powers
Power to negotiate with foreign nations impliedly authorizes pres to make executive agreements with them that prevail over state law
Federal prosecutor has absolute civil immunity resulting from prosecutorial acts unless it is clear they did not have jurisdiction
Judges - Absolute immunity from civil liability for damages resulting from judicial acts unless clear that judge did not have jurisdiction
State legislators - generally possess absolute immunity from STATE civil or criminal liability for actions taken pursuant to official legislative functions. BUT only extends to federal civil, NOT federal criminal.
Speech or debate clause - members of congress are immune from criminal and civil liability for any official legislative activity, like speech given on House or Senate floor.
HOWEVER - Although members of Congress, such as senators, enjoy immunity for statements made in the regular course of the legislative process (e.g., during legislative hearings on a bill), immunity will not protect statements made outside of Congress. Accordingly, immunity will not extend to a “re-publication” of a defamatory statement, even if that statement was originally made in the Senate