Key terms- Test 1 Flashcards
Articulatory suppression
Irrelevant speech sounds out loud while being presented with a list of words to recall shortly after.
Central executive
Combining both the phonological and visual-spatial sketchpad coordinates the information.
Group related items together so that someone can remember them more easily. Like items, you need when you are leaving the house, like a wallet, keys, and phone.
Conceptual Implicit memory
Happens in the absence of explicit retrieval.
Deficient-encoding Hypothesis
Suggests that memory impairments are caused by issues in the encoding phase. Ex: not being able to remember someone’s name at a party because of distractions when being introduced.
Deep level processing
Taking info and relating it to something you know and putting meaning towards it or link it to previous knowledge.
Dual task
Doing two tasks at one time. Ex: walking and talking
Echoic memory
Listening to somebody’s conversation using an auditorium system.
Encoding phase
How do we get the information into our memory?
Episodic memory
Remembering specific episodes of life, like back to our last vacation. Its personal experiences in life.
ERP Event-related potentials
Patterns in EEG activity are sending small stimuli. Measured brain response direct result of a specific sensory, cognitive, or motor.
Explicit memory
Something that is conscious to us in the LTM knowledge from the past. EX: recalling Test info that you have learned.
Explicit contamination
Contamination can influence testimony and result in inaccurate information.
Explicit: memory of knowledge of things we have important events.
Measures the small changes in blood flow that occur in the brain activity.
Free recall
Participants are presented with a sequence of items and recall in any order. Ex: milk, apple, cheese, keys and car. recall in any order.
Generation effect
Create the notes in your own words or relate them to other things to remember easily.
Hierarchical network theory
LTM is arranged through hierarchical concepts and can be through specific classes.
Iconic memory
It is visual information STM. EX: sitting in a movie and closing my eyes briefly and can still see the scene.