Key Terms: Risk Management Flashcards
Actual cash value (ACV)
The depreciated value of an item.
Advertising injury
Advertising injury provisions in CGL (comprehensive general liability) include language providing
coverage to the community association with respect to damages resulting in “misappropriation of advertising ideas or style of doing business” or “infringement of copyright, slogan or title.”
Agreed amount endorsement
Provides for an agreed upon limit of property insurance
Coinsurance is a standard element in most property policies that obligates the insured to maintain certain limit of property insurance based on a stated percentage
Common declarations
This section of the policy is like the title page of a book. It typically includes such information
as the name and address of the insured and the period of coverage
Common policy conditions
These are the basic provisions that apply to all insurance coverages in the package. For example, when to file proof of a loss or what happens when a premium is not paid
Contingent liability
Covers the value of any undamaged portion of a building which may have to be replaced because
of building laws
Contractual transfers
This involves entering into a contract that will, among other things, transfer the community association’s legal responsibility for any loss.
Cross liability
Cross liability allows an owner to bring a claim against his or her community association. This coverage is in the owner’s interest. It is standard for owners to be insured in liability insurance for condominiums and cooperatives, while planned communities must see to it that this concept is present in their liability coverage
Directors and officers liability insurance
This insurance is designed to pay for damages arising from wrongful acts
that do not lead to property damage, bodily injury, advertising injury, or personal injury.
Direct writer system of insurance
Comprised of employees of a single insurance company who only place the insurance of that company
Electronic data processing (EDP)
This insurance may be needed for computer equipment, networks, websites, security systems, protection from hackers, and similar information technology exposures
Endorsements expand, contract or clarify coverage.
Exposure avoidance
This involves avoiding the circumstances that would expose the community association to
certain type of loss
Extra demolition
Covers the value of demolishing any undamaged portion of a building.
Fidelity insurance
This insurance protects against employee dishonesty which may lead to the theft of money,
securities, or property
HO-1,-2, -3, -4, -5, -6 policies:
HO-1, HO-2, HO-3, and HO-5 refer to policies for owner-occupied units. HO-4 is a
tenant’s policy. HO-6 is a policy for a condominium or cooperative unit owner
Liability exposure to loss
Liability losses arise when a person or entity threatens or actually brings a legal claim
against the community association, its members or others whom it must indemnify by contract (such as a
management company)
Personal injury (PI)
Injury arising from libel, slander, false arrest, invasion of privacy, wrongful entry, or malicious
Personal property
Inventory, furniture, fine arts, equipment, supplies, machinery, electronic data processing (EDP),
and valuable papers and records
Policy forms
Policy forms define the type of insurance coverage provided, for example, property, liability and boiler
and machinery. The forms also define how comprehensive each type of coverage is—what is included and what is excluded
Property exposure to loss
Property losses can be to tangible community association property (buildings and contents) or to intangible association property (information, proprietary Web site, etc.)
Real property
Real property includes buildings, land, and the newest type of property exposure.
Risk financing
The process of obtaining resources to pay for any financial consequences of accidental loss
Segregation of exposure
Segregation of exposures involves the duplication or separation of property exposures to
Third-party insurance
Liability coverage purchased by an insured (the first party) from an insurer (the second party)
for protection against claims of another (third party).
Waiver of subrogation
The insurer waives its right to require the association to transfer recovery rights to the insurer
regarding unit owners