Key Terms in The Drainage Basin Hydrological Cycle Flashcards
What is precipitation?
Precipitation is any form of moisture falling to the ground.
What is evapotranspiration?
Evapotranspiration is Water being evaporated from vegetation.
What is transpiration?
Transpiration is the process of water movement from a plant into the atmosphere.
What is interception?
Interception is water being prevented from reaching the ground by trees or grass.
What is evaporation?
Evaporation is where water is changed to water vapour in the atmosphere.
What is surface storage?
Surface Storage is water held on the ground surface e.g. puddles.
What is overland flow / surface runoff?
Overland Flow or surface runoff is water flowing on top of the ground.
What is infiltration?
Infiltration is water sinking into the surface layers of the soil.
What is stem flow?
Stem Flow is water running down the stem of plants and trees.
What is throughflow?
Throughflow is water flowing sideways through the soil.
What is soil moisture?
Soil Moisture is water held in the soil layer.
What is throughfall?
Throughfall is water dripping from the leaves of trees.
What is groundwater flow?
Groundwater Flow is water moving through the saturated rock.
What is percolation?
Percolation is water sinking deeper into the soil.
What is the water table?
The Water Table is the upper level of the saturated rock / soil.
What is groundwater?
Groundwater is the water stored in rocks.