Key Terms Group 3 Flashcards
acumen (n)
Keen, accurate judgement or insight
aver (v)
To state as a fact; to declare or assert
bombastic (adj)
pompous; grandiloquent
diatribe (n)
A harsh denunciation
fervent (adj)
greatly emotional or zealous
germane (adj)
Relevant to the subject at hand; appropriate in subject matter
grandiloquence (n)
Pompous speech or expression
halcyon (adj)
Calm and peaceful
iconoclast (n)
One who attacks or undermines traditional conventions or institutions
idolatrous (adj)
Given to intense or excessive devotion to something
impassive (adj)
Revealing no emotion
imperturbable (adj)
Marked by extreme calm, impassivity, and steadiness
implacable (adj)
Not capable of being appeased or significantly changed
inchoate (adj)
In an initial stage; not fully formed
infelicitous (adj)
Unfortunate; inappropriate