Key Terms - Column 1 Done Flashcards
Change of velocity per second (in mergers per second squared m^2)
The number of unstable atoms that decay per second in a radioactive source
Alpha Radiation
Alpha particles, each composed of two protons and two neutrons, emitted by unstable nuclei - this is also a hydrogen nucleus
Alternating Current
Electric current in a circuit that repeatedly reverses its direction
An alternating current generator
The height of a wave crest or through of a transverse wave from the rest position. For the oscillating motion, the amplitude is the maximum distance moved by an oscillating object from its equilibrium position
Angle of Incidence
Angle between the incident ray and the normal
Angle of Reflection
Angle between the reflected ray and the normal
Atomic number
The number of protons (which is equal tot he number of electrons) in an atom, it is sometimes called the proton number
Beta radiation
Beta particles are high-energy electrons created in, and emitted from, unstable nuclei
Big Bang Theory
The theory that the universe was created in a massive explosion (the Big Bang), and that the universe has been expanding ever since
Any fuel taken from living or recently living materials, such as animal waste
Black Body Radiation
The radiation emitted by a black body (a body that absorbs all the radiation that hits it)
Black Dwarf
A star that has faded out and gone cold
Black Hole
An object in space that has so much mass that nothing, not even light, can escape from its gravitational field
Boiling Point
Temperature at which a pure substance boils or condenses
Boyle’s Law
For a fixed mass of gas at room temperature, its pressure multiplied by its volume is constant
Braking Distance
The distance travelled by a vehicle during the time it takes for its brakes to act
Carbon Neutral
A biofuel from a living organism that takes in as much carbon dioxide from the atmosphere as is released when the fuel is burned