Key Terms - Chapter 4 Flashcards
KT: alopecia
hair loss
KT: anhidrosis
condition in which person produces little to no sweat
KT: curettage
scraping of material from wall of cavity to obtain tissue for examination using a curutte
KT: debridement
first step in wound treatment, removal of foreign bodies, to prevent infection
KT: decubitus ulcer
inflammation, ulcer, or sore in skin over bony prominence
KT: ecchymosis
leaking of blood into subcutaneous tissue… bruise
KT: eczema
superficial inflammation of the skin… dermatitis
KT: escharotomy
surgical incision into necrotic tissue, prevent edema in underlying tissue
KT: folliculitis
inflammation of hair follicles
KT: hematoma
blood mass
KT: herpes simplex virus (HSV)
viral infection with clusters of small vesicles filled with clear fluid on raised inflammatory bases… genital herpes
KT: hypertrichosis
abnormal excess of hair… hirsutism
KT: intradermal (ID)
injection within dermis
KT: onychocryptosis
abnormal condition of hidden nail… erythema
KT: keratolytic
topical substances used to break down hardened skin to help shed (ex. salicylic acid)
KT: melanoma
black tumor
KT: nevus
KT: transdermal
non-absorbent patch that contains medication in gel-like material on one side to attach to skin
KT: tuberculosis (TB) skin tests
intradermal test using purified protein derivative (PPD)
KT: verruca
common and contagious epithelial growths… warts
KT: pediculicide
kill lice
KT: subcutaneous
pertaining to below the skin
KT: seborrhea