key terms Flashcards
Murdock (1949)
defines family as ‘a group- of people who live in the same house. It includes adults of both sexes, at least two of whom have a socially approved sexual children and one or more children’
Parsons (1955)
Functionalist - instrumental and expressive roles in a nuclear family
Young + Willmott (1962)
‘Symmetrical Family’ - men are now taking on a greater share of the housework
Bott (1957)
Two types of conjugal roles - segrated conjugal roles and joint conjuagal roles
Oakley (1974)
Criticises Young + Willmott and the ‘symmetrical family’ as it is exaggerated
Boulton (1983)
Fewer than 20% of men had a major role in the care of the children
Warde + Hetherington (1993)
sex-typing of domestic roles remains strong
Future Foundation (2000)
Generational change - 70% of womendo less housework than their mothers, 65% of men do more than their fathers
Gershuny (1994)
‘Trend towards equality’ - wives that worked full time did less domestic work
Sullivan (2000)
trend towards greater equality as men did more domestic work - data collected 1975, 1987 and 1997
Crompton (1997)
Accepts Gershuny’s evidence - as women’s earnings increase, men do more work in the home
Silver (1987)
Commecialisation of housework - causing less of a burden on women
Schor (1993)
Commecialisation of housework - causing less of a burden on women
Barrett + McIntosh (1994)
Men gain more from women’s domestic work than they give in financial support
Kempson (1994)
low income families - women denied their own needs to make ends meet