Key Terms Flashcards
Non-Treatment Decision (sometimes Passive Euthanasia)?
The decision medical professionals make to withhold or withdraw medical treatment or life support that is keeping a person alive because they’re not going to get better, or because the person asks them to. It’s like keeping someone alive unnaturally by leaving it on.
Active Euthanasia?
A deliberate action performed by a third party to kill a person (lethal injection), which is illegal in the UK.
Sanctity of Life?
The idea that life is intrinsically sacred or has such worth that it isn’t considered within the power of a human being. Life being blessed or holy.
Quality of Life?
A way of weighing the extrinsic experience of life, that affects or justifies whether or not it’s worth continuing life. Giving treatment to someone who would benefit more.
You’re going to die but they’re keeping you there peacefully.
There to get better.
The quality of human life that makes it worthy - usually linked to certain higher capacities. Is someone in a vegetative state still a person?
Autonomy and the Right to Die?
The idea that unman freedom should extend to decide the time and manner of death. Making our own decisions. What if the person saying no was mentally unstable at the time?
Voluntary Euthanasia?
This applies when a person’s life is ended painlessly by a third party at their own request. They’re doing it freely, but when you volunteer, do you do it freely?
Non-voluntary Euthanasia?
This applies when a person is unable to express their wish to die but there are reasonable grounds for ending their life painlessly, if a person can’t communicate but is in extreme pain. Also called “Advance Directive”.
The worth or quality of life which can be linked to sanctity or freedom.
Palliative Care?
Pall meaning blanket. End-of-life care to make the person’s remaining moments of life as comfortable as possible. Expert care received in hospices - specialised hospice care.
Involuntary Euthanasia?
Where a person is killed against their wishes which is incredibly illegal.
D.N.R (Do Not Resuscitate)?
Could be discussed with a patient. If they die they don’t want to be brought back.
Advanced Directive?
Wishes are made known to loved ones or Doctors.
QUALYs (Quality Adjusted Life Years)?
If there’s limited treatment, you must weigh up which patient requires it the most. Similar to transplants, when do you start withdrawing it?
Slippery Slope?
Once you start you can’t stop. If you assisted suicide, when will you stop? Meaning anyone’s allowed to do it, for instance. Also called the “thin end of the wedge”. Once legalised for some, it’ll be legalised for all.