Key terms Flashcards
Violent offences
Aggressive crimes resulting in physical harm or death to the victim.
Drug related offences
Crimes involving trading in or using illegal substances
Acquisitive offences
Crimes where capital or belongings are acquired through illegal means e.g. theft
Sexual offences
Crimes where a victim victim is forced to commit or submit to a sexual act against their will
Anti-social offences
Criminal acts that cause harassment, alarm or distress to people who do not share a home with the perpetrator
Based on personal opinion rather than fact
Social construct
A concept that exists as the result of interactions between people who make up a society
Deviation from norms
When an act or behaviour goes against the accepted standards of a society
A collective set of norms and values that determine the way of life of a group of people
Anti-social behaviour
Behaviour by a person which causes or is likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress to one or more persons not of the same household as the person
A method that involves participants reporting on themselves through answering questions
Social Learning Theory
A theory that explains behaviour in terms of observation and imitation
Role model
A person held in esteem by another
The process where a person aligns themselves with another
The process where people pay attention to behaviours and retain them in memory
A process where people recall behaviours and reproduce them in their on actions
Vicarious reinforcement
When a behaviour is strengthened by an individual observing this same behaviour and being rewarded in another
Direct reinforcement
When a behaviour is strengthened an likely to be repeated due to positive outcomes for the individual
The process whereby a behaviour becomes an integral part of an individual’s personality due to continuous reinforcement