Key Terms Flashcards
Chronological Age (Ch. 8)
number of years a person has lived
Psychological Age (Ch. 8)
a frame of mind and behaviours associated with one’s age
Physical Age (Ch. 8)
the physical changes that occur with age
Social Age (Ch. 8)
expectations of how we should act when we are a certain age and how we should interact with people older and younger than ourselves
Lone-Parent Family (Ch. 9)
a mother or father with no spouse or common-law partner present, living in a dwelling with one or more children
Teenage Mother (Ch. 9)
a woman who has her first birth under the age of 20
Divorce (Ch. 10)
the legal dissolution of a marriage
Divorce Rate (Ch. 10)
a measure that predicts the proportion of couple that can be expected to divorce before their 30th wedding anniversary based on current patterns of divorce
Custody (Ch. 10)
the legal right and responsibility to care for a child in one’s own home
Joint Custody (Ch. 10)
the legal right and responsibility of both parents to make decisions and care for their child
Binuclear Family (Ch. 10)
an arrangement where both father and mother act as parents to their child(ren) following divorce but maintain separate homes
Transitional State (Ch. 10)
a state of temporary imbalance resulting from changes in relationships routines assumptions and roles
Disequilibrium (Ch. 10)
a lack of balance in the family system
Custodial/Noncustodial Parent (Ch. 10)
an individual who has/does not have custody of the child
Sleeper Effect (Ch. 10)
a problem that emerges only long after an event such as divorce (i.e.: children may display fear of intimacy or betrayal that will interfere with any potential intimate relationships in the future)
Remarriage (Ch. 11)
a marriage that takes place after a previous marriage ended
Step Family (Ch. 11)
a family where children are related to one parent but not the other
Simple Step Family (Ch. 11)
a family in which all children are the biological or adopted children of one and only one married spouse or common-law partner in the couple
Complex (Blended) Family (Ch. 11)
variation of the step family form