Key Terms Flashcards
What is akinesia?
An abnormal state of motor and psychic hypo activity
What is ageism?
A profound prejudice in American society against older adults.
What is aphasia?
Inability to understand words.
What is agnosia?
Inability to recognize familiar objects.
What is apraxia?
Problems manipulating things.
What is agraphia?
Difficulty writing and drawing.
What is ataxia?
Impaired ability to coordinate movement.
What is chronologic age?
The age of individual expressed as the time that has elapsed since birth is einasequate indicator of an old age.
What is claudication?
Cramping pain in the calves.
What is dementia?
A progressive impairment of intellectual cognitive functions that interfere with normal social and occupational activities.
What is dysarthria?
Difficult, poorly articulated speech, resulting from interference in control over the muscles of speech.
What is dysphasia?
Difficulty of swallowing.
What is hemiplegia?
Paralysis of one side of the body.
What is kyphosis?
An abnormal curve in the upper spree sometimes called, “ dowagers hump”.
What is nocturia?
Excessive urination at night.
What is orthostatic hypotension?
Any significant change between positions.
What is presbycusis?
A sensorineural healing loss and the most common form of loss in older adults.
What is presbyopia?
A loss of elasticity of the lens.
What is pruritus?
Itching of skin.
What is senile?
The state of physical and mental deterioration associated with aging.
What is shearing forces?
Forces tending to produce injury by shearing strain.
What are the symptoms of dementia?
Stage 1 ulcer
Non blanchable erythema
Stage 2 ulcer
If blister or epidermal peeling dermis is exposed.
Stage 3 ulcer
Dermal involvement,bleeding,crater forming
Stage 4
Dermis is now crated away non stage able