Key Terms 2 Flashcards
A Jewish religious leader or teacher
“The anointed one”; a leader of the Jews who is expected to live on earth at some time in the future
Messianic age
A future time of global peace when everyone will want to become closer to God, possibly through the intervention of the Messiah
Belief in one God
Promised Land
The land of Canaan that God promised to the Jews.
An agreement; in Judaism reffering to an agreement between individuals, often on behalf of the Jews, and God.
The removal of the foreskin from the penis.
Ten Commandments
The Laws given to Moses by God over 3000 years ago.
Bringing about what is right and fair, according to the law, or making up for a wrong that has been commited.
Healing the world
Being involved in God’s work to sustain the world; it can involve work to increase social justice or to preserve the environment.
(1) Providing help and love to those in need (2) an organisation that does not make profit, whose main purpouse is to help those in need.
Kindness to others
Positive, caring actions that should be shown to all living things.
Sancity of Life
All life is holy as it is created and loved by God; human life should not be misused or abused
A commentary by the rabbis on the Torah - it consists of the Mishnah and Gemara together in one collection
Pikuach Nefesh
The obligation to save a life even if doing so breaks Jewish Law
Free Will
Belief that God gives people the oppurtunity to make decisions for themselves.
Jewish rules or commandments