Key Terms Flashcards
a type of civil wrong for which damages can be obtained by the person wronged
Canada’s highest court and final court of appeal
Supreme Court of Canada (SCC)
section 52(1) of the Constitution Act, 1982, which provides that the Consititution is the supreme law of Canada and empowers the courts to find that laws that are inconsistent with the Constitution are of no force and effect
supremacy clause
least serious type of offense in the Criminal Code (for example, tresspassing or distrubing the peace), tried only in provincial court and subject to the lightest sentences
summary conviction offence
review of an administrative decision’s merits that considers both the legal and factual bases of the tribunal’s analysis
substantive review
law that deals with core rights and obligations
substantive law
warrant, issued by a justice of the peace or a provincial court judge, authorizing police to conduct a search
search warrant
primary form of legislation
Latin phrase (“to stand by decided matters”) referring to the common law principle that a precedent is binding on lower courts in the same jurisdiction
stare decisis
business that is owned and operated by an individual and that is not a legal entity seperate from the owner
sole proprietorship
theory of justice based on lex talionis, or the law of retaliation
retributive justice
law dealing with the legal relationship between a state and individual members of the state
public law
provincially constituted courts with inherent jurisdiction to hear all matters (unless taken away by legislation) and with two levels, a trial level and an appeal level; sometimes refers just to the trial level
provincial superior courts
law relating to the process by which core rights and obligations are determined and enforced
procedural law
individual, corporation, or other entity who won at trial and is responding to the appellant on an appeal to a higher court
form of subordinate legislation passed by a person or body (frequently the government Cabinet) to expand on or fill out a statute’s legislative scheme
law that concerns the relationships between persons
private law
court decision that, under the doctrine of stare decisis, is binding on lower courts in the same jurisdiction
dispute resolution process whereby the parties talk to each other directly and seek a mutually acceptable solution to their problem
area of tort law that addresses harm caused by carelessness, not intentional harm
source of law that is higher than human-made (or positive) law and with which human-made law must comply in order to be valid
natural law
human-made law, as opposed to a higher law (natural law) that transcends persons or institutions
positive law
agreement between the Crown and the defene on how the accused will plead in court and on the sentence they will receive
plea bargain
individual, corporation, or other entity who initiates a non-criminal lawsuit