Key Terms Flashcards
What is form CRM 14 used for ?
‘10 Propositions Form’ used to evidence the interests of justice test (aka merits test) to obtain free legal advice
CRM 15
Financial Statement for Legal Aid in Criminal Proceedings Form’ used to evidence the means test to obtain free legal advice
Certificate of Full Argument
Summary of P and Ds arguments made in relation to bail in Mags that is given to CC if D wishes to appeal Mags refusal to grant bail.
PET form
Pre-trial issues form to be completed if trial is in magistrates court
PTPH form
Pre-trial issues form to be completed if CC trial + anticipate D will plead NG
Sending Sheet
Pre-trial issues form to be completed if CC trial after First Hearing (specifies offences and location of CC trial)
Defence Statement
Sets out D’s defence, agreed and disputed facts, points of law (e.g. evidence exclusion) and details of alibi witnesses (mandatory if CC / optional if Mags)
List of unused materials provided by P in CC cases
Streamlined Disclosure Certificate
List of unused materials provided by P in Mags cases
Galbraith Test
An application for dismissal OR no case to answer by D will only be granted if P have no evidence OR a jury could not properly convict on the evidence