Key Terms Flashcards
The addition of a stimulus following a response that increases
the response occurring in the future
Positive Reinforcement
The removal of a stimulus following a response that increases
the response in the future
Negative Reinforcement
Any consequence that decreases the frequency of a response occurring in the future
A stimulus that is presented or removed after a response that maintains or increase the behavior occurring in the future
A stimulus that is presented or removed after a response that decreases the behavior occurring in the future
When responding occurs in the presences of an antecedent stimulus and does not occur in its absence
Stimulus control
A stimulus that comes before a response
A stimulus that comes after a response
Demonstrating a behavior so in can be imitated
Reinforcing successive approximations to a desired behavior
The science in which the procedures derived from the study of
behavior are applied to produce meaningful improvements in socially significant behaviors
(ABA) Applied behavior Analysis
Paring a neutral antecedent stimulus with an unconditioned antecedent stimulus to elicit a response
Respondent conditioning
Paring a behavior with a reinforcing or punishing consequence to increase or decrease the future probability of the behavior
occurring again
Operant conditioning
Performing a behavior with sufficient accuracy and speed to increase the likelihood of maintenance and generalization
Performing a behavior over time, long after training
Performing a behavior under different conditions from training or emitting a different behavior that serves the same purpose as
the one taught in training
Environmental events or changes in those events that have the
potential to affect behavior
An organism’s interaction with the environment that produces a
detectable change in the environment
The number of occurrences of behavior per unit of time
The form of a behavior
The purpose a behavior serves
The amount of time a behavior occurs from its onset to its offset
The amount of time between the onset of a stimulus and the occurrence of a behavior
The amount of force of a behavior
Three or more data points
The direction of a data path
The difference in the value of the data from baseline to
Stimuli that are biologically important and that do not have to
be conditioned to increase the behavior occurring again under
Primary reinforcers or Unconditioned
A biological condition in which a stimulus temporarily looses
reinforcing capacity due to decreased depravation
A biological condition in which a stimulus is highly reinforcing
due to its absences in the immediate past
Environmental conditions that alter the effectiveness of a
reinforcing or punishing event and alter the frequency of behavior followed by the event
Motivative operations (MO)
Stimuli that gain reinforcing properties by being paired with
primary or previously conditioned reinforcers
Secondary reinforcers or
Conditioned reinforcers
A previously neutral stimulus that is paired with a variety of backup reinforcers and thus gains reinforcing capacity when
presented after a behavior
Generalized conditioned reinforcer
The environmental arrangement of reinforcing consequences
Schedule of reinforcement