key terms Flashcards
Aggravating Factors
evidence represented that increases the seriousness of the offence and so contributes to a harsher sentence.
the release of an accused back into society while awaiting his or her next hearing or trial, conditions may be attached.
a law proposed for court to consider
e.g. no homework, a bill to end homework
Binding Precedent
an example that must be followed by all courts
e.g. decisions of the high court are binding on all courts of Australia
the body of parliament that makes policies that consists of a government leader and senior ministers
e.g. The Prime Minister and 20 elected ministers of the exclusive government
civil laws
laws that regulate behaviour of individuals
e.g. divorce, contractual disputes, property ownership, etc
committal hearing
a pre-trial hearing in Magistrates’ court to determine if prosecution has enough evidence to establish a prima facie case and support a conviction
common laws
laws made in courts (aka case law or judge made law)
e.g. freedom association
community corrections order (CCO)
sentencing order requiring an offender to comply with conditions while in the community
e.g. unpaid community work, drug/alcohol treatment or curfews
concurrent powers
law-making powers in the constitution that can be used by the commonwealth and state parliaments
e.g. law making powers
rules that the nation is governed by
e.g. the Australian constitution
the authority of the monarch represented in the nation
e.g. the governor general
level of blame o responsibility for a wrongful act or omission
director of public prosecutions (DPP)
department in Victoria responsible for overseeing and prosecuting criminal charges on behalf of the state
doctrine of precedent
the decisions made by a higher court that need to be followed by all courts
e.g. decisions of the higher court are to be followed by all courts but decisions made by the supreme court are not to be followed by the High Court
drug treatment order (DTO)
sentencing option available to the drug court to assist in rehabilitating offenders with drug issues
exclusive powers
law-making powers that can only be used by the commonwealth
e.g. defence, foreign affairs, overseas trade, etc