key terms Flashcards
nation building
processes by which a state government promotes nationality for example through its education system or the media
territorial integrity
principle that the defines territory of a state over which it has exclusive and legitimate control is inviolable. this is enshrined in the Charter of UN and an important part of international law
moral principles, customs and ways of living that are universally accepted as standard behaviour
actions of a state, group of states or international organisations in a foreign territory to end gross violations of human rights. this includes military force, economic sanctions and the assistance of NGOs
term used in the early 20th century in the heartland work of sir halford mackinder, referring to ways in which geographical factors were central in shaping international politics
international community
all countries whose identity and sovereignty are recognised under the auspices of the UN, plus other international organisations that chose to participate in global discussions and decision making and which act collectively to resolve humanitarian issues
global government
intervention by the global community, attempting to regulate issues such as human rights, sovereignty and territorial integrity
claims for , or practices of, separation of a group of people from a larger state on the basis of their ethnicity or unified national culture, traditions, religion and language
transnational corporation
very large company with factories and offices in more than one country which markets products and services worldwide
corporate social responsibility
commitment and initiative of a corporation to assess and take responsibility for its social and environmental impact
UN global compact
initiative that invites companies to align their strategies and operations according to universal principles on human rights, labour, environment and anti corruption and to take actions that advance societal goals
formally concluded and ratified agreement between states
international law
body of law that governs international relations between states or nations. this provides the framework for the obligations of states to be maintained
global commons
earths shared natural resources eg the oceans and atmosphere
a situation in which the people of a country exercise self government and sovereignty over their state territory having gained political freedom from outside control