Key Terms  Flashcards
Authorized or based on law
Criminal law
Focuses on a behavior known as crime; deals with the wrongs against a person, property, or society
Civil law
Focuses on the legal relationships between people and the protection of a person’s right
A wrongful act that does not involve a contract
The three common torts include
Assault and battery
Failure to use the degree of skill and learning expected of a profession, resulting in injury, loss, or damage to patient
Failure to give care that is normally expected
, resulting in injury to another person
Assault and battery
Assault includes a threat or attempts to injure, a battery includes the unlawful of another person without consent
Informed consent
Permission is granted voluntarily by a person who is of sound mind and who has been instructed, in terms the person can understand, about all the risks involved
Invasion of privacy
Revealing personal information about an individual without their consent
False imprisonment
Restraining an individual or restricting an individual’s freedom without authorization
Any care that results in physical harm, pain, or mental anguish
Example of abuse
Physical, verbal, psychological, and sexual abuse
Occurs when false statements either a person to be ridiculed or damage the persons reputation
Spoken comment that causes a person ridicule or contempt or damages the person’s reputation
A false written statement that causes a person ridicule or contempt or causes damage to the person’s reputation
An agreement between two or more parties
Most contacts have three parts.
Implied contents
Those obligations that are understood without verbally expressed terms
Expressed contracts
Stated in distinct and clear language, either orally or in writing
Legal disability
A condition in which a person does not have legal capacity and is therefore unable to enter into a legal agreement (for example, as is the case with a minor)
Someone who has the power or authority to act as the representative of another
Privileged communications
All personal information given to health personnel by a patient; must be kept confidential
Health care records
Records contain information about the care provided to the patient