Key Terms Flashcards
Transmission Control Protocol
Virtual Private Cloud
access key
A special set of keys linked to a specific AWS IAM user.
The storage consistency of a relational database, based on atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability.
Multi-region active-active deployment of resources across multiple regions for workloads requiring high availability and failover.
A warning issued when a single metric crosses a set threshold over a defined number of time periods.
Amazon CloudFront
The AWS content delivery network (CDN) hosted in all edge locations.
Amazon EBS
Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS)
A virtual hard disk block storage device that is attached to Amazon EC2 instances.
EBS is not mountable outside the AZ. EBS volumes do not provide NFS mounts
Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)
A web service that provides secure, resizable compute capacity in the cloud. It enables you to launch and manage virtual servers, called Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instances, in the AWS cloud.
Amazon ElastiCache
A distributed in-memory data store.
Amazon Machine Image
A template of an instance’s root drive.
application programming interface (API)
A defined set of protocols that enables applications and services to communicate with each other.
An Amazon S3 Glacier grouping of compressed and encrypted files.
asymmetric key
One key of a public/private key pair.
Auto Scaling
An AWS service that adjusts compute capacity to maintain desired performance.
Auto Scaling Group
A group of Amazon EC2 instances that is controlled (that is, scaled up, scaled down, or maintained) using the EC2 Auto Scaling service.
availability zone (AZ)
An insulated separate location within a region that contains at least one data center.
AWS Artifact
Allows AWS customers to review the compliance standards supported by AWS.
AWS Direct Connect
A dedicated private fiber connection to AWS VPCs or AWS public services.
access control list (ACL)
A list that enables you to control access to Amazon S3 buckets by granting read/write permissions to other AWS accounts.
AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM)
The hosted security system for the AWS cloud that controls access to AWS resources.
AWS Key Management Service (KMS)
An AWS service that centrally manages AWS customers’ cryptographic keys and policies across AWS services that require data encryption.
AWS well-architected framework
A framework for designing, deploying, and operating workloads hosted at AWS.
block storage
Data records stored in blocks on a storage area network.
The storage unit for an Amazon S3 object.
bucket policy
A resource policy that is assigned directly to a storage entity such as an Amazon S3 bucket.
burst capacity
The ability of a storage unit or a compute instance to increase processing power for a short period of time.
burst credits
Performance credits that make it possible to burst above a defined performance baseline.
capacity units
A measure of Amazon DynamoDB performance in terms of either reading or writing.
certificate authority (CA)
A company or an entity that validates the identities of websites or domains using cryptographic public/private keys.
CloudWatch log group
A group that logs information in near real time.
The body of source code for a software program or application.
cold storage
Infrequently accessed storage.
Special rule in a permission policy.
connection draining
The process of deregistering (removing) a registered instance from a load balancer target group.
cooldown period
A defined time period when no changes are allowed.
cost allocation tags
Tags that are used to categorize and track AWS costs displayed with monthly and hourly cost allocation reports.
Cost and Usage Report (CUR)
Tracks your AWS usage and provides estimated charges associated with your account for the current month.
data consistency
A definition of how data records are either the same or not the same due to replication.
data transfer
Incoming (ingress) and outgoing (egress) packet flow.
defense in depth (DiD)
Deployment of multiple security controls (physical, administrative, and technical) to protect a hosted workload.
Cloud services, applications, servers, and various technology components that depend upon each other when providing a business solution.
distributed session
A user session for which user state information is held in a separate durable storage location.
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
Amazon Elastic Block Storage (EBS).
Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2).
Elastic Container Registry
Elastic Container Service
Amazon Elastic File System (EFS)
EFS can provide a simple NFS mount point. These mount points can be accessed and mounted from outside the VPC, either in another region, via VPN or VPC peering, or over a Direct Connect or VPN connection to an on-premises location
egress-only Internet gateway (EOIG)
A one-way gateway connection for EC2 instances with IPv6 addresses.
Elastic Kubernetes Service
Elastic IP (EIP) address
A static public IP address that is created and assigned to your AWS account.
A location where communication is made; a private connection from a VPC to AWS services.
Elastic Network Interface
ephemeral storage
Temporary local block storage.
event notification
Communications about changes in the application stack.
externally authenticated user
A user that has authenticated outside Amazon before requesting access to AWS resources.
Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program, establishes the security requirements for usage of cloud services for federal government agencies.
health check
A status check for availability.
high availability
A group of compute resources that continue functioning even when some of the components fail.
IAM group
A group of AWS IAM users.
IAM role
A permission policy that provides temporary access to AWS resources.