Key Terms Flashcards
The fact of being who or what a person or thing is.
National Myths
A national myth is an inspiring narrative or anecdote about a nation’s past. Such myths often serve as an important national symbol and affirm a set of national values. A national myth may sometimes take the form of a national epic or be incorporated into a civil religion
National Symbols
National symbols intend to unite people by creating visual, verbal, or iconic representations of the national people, values, goals, or history
What is the Dominion Institute?
It is the largest independent organization dedicated to history and citizenship in Canada. Its mandate is to build active and informed citizens through a greater knowledge and appreciation of the history, heritage and stories of Canada
The Council of Canadians
“We advocate for a society built on democracy, justice and care for each other. We believe we can learn from the perspectives and struggles of others as we work together for a more just world.
The Council of Canadians believes we all do better when:
We expand and improve our public services and social programs.
We ensure access to clean water is a human right and stop water privatization.
Our governments work for people and not for corporations or the wealthiest 1%.
Everyone lives with dignity and respect, and systems of oppression such as racism and colonization are dismantled.”
Hudson’s Bay Company
The Hudson’s Bay Company is a historically Anglo-Canadian but now American-owned retail business group. A fur trading business for much of its existence, HBC now owns and operates retail stores in Canada and the United States. The company’s namesake business division is Hudson’s Bay, commonly referred to as “The Bay”
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC)
The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, branded as CBC/Radio-Canada, is a Canadian public broadcaster for both radio and television. It is a federal Crown corporation funded by the government. The English- and French-language service units of the corporation are commonly known as CBC and Radio-Canada
The National Film Board
The NFB is Canada’s public producer and distributor
Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC)
Achieving the policy objectives outlined in the Broadcasting Act. We ensure that Canada’s broadcasting system provides content that meets the needs and interests of Canadians by: Engaging in public processes that generate policies
Western Alienation
In Canadian politics, Western alienation is the notion that the Western provinces – British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba – have been alienated, and in some cases excluded, from mainstream Canadian political affairs in favour of Ontario and Quebec
Equalization Payments
(in Canada) an unconditional transfer of funds by the federal government to a province with below-average revenue per capita, intended to ensure that all provincial governments provide comparable levels of service and taxation.
Bi and Bi Commission
The Royal “Commission of Bilingualism and Biculturalism” (or “Bi and Bi Commission”) was established in 1963 in order to examine the relations between French and English Canada, and Quebec’s role in Canada
The presence of, or support for the presence of, several distinct cultural or ethnic groups within a society
Residential Schools
An effort to assimilate the Aboriginal people to be like the white Europeans
They opened in the 1840s and the last one closed in 1996
All schools aimed to wipe out First Nations culture and replace it with “white” culture
First Nations children were separated from their families (their parens would be arrested or died if they didn’t send them)
Their hair was cut and they had to wear clothes like white people
They weren’t allowed to speak their language or practice their culture at all
Most schools were abusive, and many children died or grew to despise their culture because of them
One goal of the federal government was to assimilate First Nations people, meaning make them like white people and destroy First Nations culture