Key Terms Flashcards
To learn and master key terms within general psychology.
Define: Abnormal Behavior
Behavior that causes people to experience distress and prevents them from functioning in their daily lives.
Define: psychology
Psychology is the scientific study of behavior and mental process.
Define: Absolute Threshold
The smallest intensity of a stimulus that must be present for the stimulus to be detected.
Define: Action Potential
An electric nerve impulse that travels through a neuron’s axon when it is set off by a “trigger” changing the neuron’s charge from negitive to positive.
Define: activation-synthesis theory
Hobson’s theory that the brain produces random electrical energy during REM sleep that stimulates memories stored in the brain.
Define: activity theory of aging
A theory that suggests that the elderly who are most successful whileaging are those who maintain the interests and activities the had during middle age.
Define: Adaptation
An adjustment in sensory capacity after prolonged exposure to unchanging stimuli.
Define: Addicitive drugs
Drugs that produce a biological or psychological dependence in the user so that withdrawal from them leads to a craving for the drug that, in some causes, may be nearly irresistible.
Define: Adolescence
The developmental stage between childhood and adulthood.
Define: Age of viability
The point at which a fetus can survive iforn prematurely.
Define: Aggression
The intention injury of, or harm to, another person
Define: Algorithm
A rule that, if applied appropriately, guaarantees a solution to a problem
Define: All-or-none law
The rule that neurons are either on or off.
Define: Altruism
Helping behavior that is beneficial to others but clearly requires self-sacrifice.
Define: Alzheimer’s disease
A progressive brain disorder that leads to a gradual and irreversible decline in cognitive abilities.
Define: Annesia
Memory loss that occurs without other mental diffioulties.
Define: Anal stage
According to Freud, a stage from age 12 to 18 months to 3 years of age, in which a child’s pleasure is centered on the anus.
Define: Androgens
Male sex hormones seoreted by the testes.