Key terms #1 Flashcards
A gift of gratitude to a deity
The crossed, or diagonal, arches that form the skeletal framework of a Gothic rib vault. In sculpture, the framework for a clay form
Figures projecting from a background of which they are part
Greek “city of the dead” A large burial area or cemetary
An artistic convention in which greater size indicates greater importance
Hierarchy of scale
A composition that is symmetrical on either side of a central figure
Heraldic composition
“Burial mound”, Latin
Tumulus (pl. tumuli)
Greek “great stone”. A large, roughly hewn stone used in the construction of monumental prehistoric structures
An arch formed by the piling of stone blocks in horizontal courses, cantilevered inward until the two walls meet at an arch
Corbeled arch
Assyrian guardian in the form of a man-headed winged bull
A carved stone slab used to mark graves or to commemorate historical events
In ancient Mesopotamian architecture, a monumental platform for a temple
Alternating solid merlons and open crenels in the notched tops of walls, as in battlements
Arabic “bench” An ancient Egyptian rectangular brick or stone structure with sloping sides erected over a subterranean tomb chamber connected with the outside by a shaft
A small concealed chamber in an Egyptian mastaba for the statue of the deceased