Key terminology - UK Gov Flashcards
the legislative
the branch of government responsible for passing laws (ie. parliament)
the executive
the branch of government responsible for policy making and policy implementation (ie. PM, cabinet)
government ‘aspirations’ - what the government want to implement
the legal commitment passed through houses of common + lord
a newspaper style that is more catered towards ‘educated’ people instead of the tabloids (ie. the Sun)
(portmanteau - merging words tgt) opinion editorial - a newspaper column that represents a writer’s informed opinion on a topic to a targeted audience
‘Are all the important people here?’ - a meeting can only proceed by having the most important people there at a minimum
Ie. We are quorate
to seek broad agreement
a repeated behaviour that becomes a normality / becomes normalised (a habit)
–> These conventions changes because of zeitgeist (spirit of the age) which changes public opinion
traditions not contained in law but influential in the operation of a political system
ecumenical (politically speaking)
being open minded and welcoming of all different parties and faiths etc.
(like the ecumenical church)
consent (politically)
voluntary, willingness, and agreement to be governed
this is shown through voting
backward looking
forward looking
unitary system
a system where all laws are made in Westminster
dispersal of power, but not sovereignty, within a political system
asymmetric devolution
type of devolution where the various regions have been granted unequal amounts of power
West Lothian Question
Issue raised concerning the problem of MPs that represented devolved areas being able to vote on matters that would only affect England but English MPs couldn’t do the same for those devolved bodies.
people who meet and discuss with MPs to try and influence policy - they can be hired by a specific company or not…
(there are more stricter rules with that they can or cannot do (ie. dine someone out) to prevent briebry)
Government of Wales Act
a set of intentions / political programme developed by parties or by governments.
- they reflect the political stance of parties and governments
process of converting policies, demands, and ideas into practical policy programmes for government
- eliminate contradictions and making compromises