Key Signatures & Scale Structures Flashcards
What is the key signature of C major?
No sharps or flats
What is the key signature of G major?
1 sharp - F#
What is the key signature of F major?
1 flat - Bb
What is the key signature of D major?
2 sharps - F# and C#
What is the key signature of Bb major?
2 flats - Bb and Eb
What is the key signature of A major?
3 sharps - F#, C# and G#
What is the key signature of Eb major?
3 flats - Bb, Eb and Ab
What is the relative minor of G major?
E minor
What is the relative minor of F major?
D minor
What is the relative minor of D major?
B minor
What is the relative minor of Bb major?
G minor
What is the relative minor of A major?
F# minor
What is the relative minor of Eb major?
C minor
What is the major scale that has 4 sharps?
E major
What is the minor scale that has 4 flats?
F minor
What is the key signature of Ab major?
4 flats - Bb, Eb, Ab and Db
What is the key signature of C# minor?
4 sharps - F#, C#, G# and D#
What is the key signature of Db major?
5 flats - Bb, Eb, Ab, Db and Gb
What is the relative minor of Db major?
Bb minor
What is the major key that has 5 sharps?
B major
What is the relative minor of B major?
G# minor
What is the key signature of F# major?
6 sharps - F#, C#, G#, D#, A# and E#
What is the key signature of Gb major?
6 flats - Bb, Eb, Ab, Db, Gb and Cb
What is the relative minor of F# major?
D# minor
What is the relative minor of Gb major?
Eb minor
What is the structure of the major pentatonic?
1 2 3 5 6 8
What is the structure of the minor pentatonic?
1 3b 4 5 7b 8
What is the structure of the blues scale?
1 3b 4 5b 5 7b 8
What degree of the major scale does the ionian mode start on?
The first degree of the major scale
What degree of the major scale does the dorian mode start on?
The second degree of the major scale
What degree of the major scale does the mixolydian mode start on?
The fifth degree of the major scale
What degree of the major scale does the aeolian mode start on?
The sixth degree of the major scale
What would the key signature of the aeolian mode starting on B, be?
2 sharps - F# and C#
what would the key signature of the mixolydian mode starting on F be?
2 flats - Bb and Eb