Key Signatures Flashcards
C major
key signature = nothing, relative to A minor
A minor harmonic
key signature = nothing, accidentals = G#, relative to C major
G major
key signature = F#, relative to E minor
E minor harmonic
key signature = F#, accidentals = D#, relative to G major
D major
key signature = F# C#, relative to B minor
B minor harmonic
key signature = F# C#, accidentals = A#, relative to D major
A major
key signature = F# C# G#, relative to F# minor
F# minor harmonic
key signature = F# C# G#, accidentals = E#, relative to A major
E major
key signature = F# C# G# D#, relative to C# minor
C# minor harmonic
key signature = F# C# G# D#, accidentals = B#, relative to E major
B major
key signature = F# C# G# D# A#, relative to G# minor
G# minor harmonic
key signature = F# C# G# D# A#, accidentals = Fx (F double sharp), relative to B major
F# major
key signature = F# C# G# D# A# E#, relative to D# minor
D# minor harmonic
key signature = F# C# G# D# A# E#, accidentals = Cx (C double sharp), relative to F# major
C# major
key signature = F# C# G# D# A# E# B#, relative to A# minor
A# minor harmonic
key signature = F# C# G# D# A# E# B#, accidentals = Gx (G double sharp), relative to C# major
Harmonic Minors - Accidentals
raised 7th - e.g. A minor harmonic has G# because G is the 7th degree of the scale
Melodic Minors - Accidentals
raised 7th and 6th - e.g. A minor melodic has G# F# because G and F are the 6th and 7th degrees of the scale
F major
key signature = Bb, relative to D minor
D minor harmonic
key signature = Bb, accidentals = C#, relative to F major
Bb major
key signature = Bb Eb, relative to G minor
G minor harmonic
key signature = Bb Eb, accidentals = F#, relative to Bb major
Eb major
key signature = Bb Eb Ab, relative to C minor
C minor harmonic
key signature = Bb Eb Ab, accidentals = B♮, relative to Eb major
Ab major
key signature = Bb Eb Ab Db, relative to F minor
F minor harmonic
key signature = Bb Eb Ab Db, accidentals = E♮, relative to Ab major
Db major
key signature = Bb Eb Ab Db Gb, relative to Bb minor
Bb minor harmonic
key signature = Bb Eb Ab Db Gb, accidentals = A♮, relative to Db major
Gb major
key signature = Bb Eb Ab Db Gb Cb, relative to Eb minor
Eb minor harmonic
key signature = Bb Eb Ab Db Gb Cb, accidentals = D♮, relative to Gb major
Cb major
key signature = Bb Eb Ab Db Gb Cb Fb, relative to Ab minor
Ab minor harmonic
key signature = Bb Eb Ab Db Gb Cb Fb, accidentals =
G♮, relative to Cb major