Key Quotes for The Duchess of Malfi Flashcards
How does Antonio introduce the court in relation to fountains?
A prince’s court is like a common fountain… if’t chance some cursed example poison’t near the head, death and diseases through the whole land spread.
How does Bosola first describe the Aragonian brothers and his role in serving them?
He and his brother are like plum trees that grow crooked over standing pools. They are rich and o’erladen with fruit, but none but crows, pies, and caterpillars feed on them. Could I be one of their flattering panders, I would hang on their ears like a horse leech till I were full, and then drop off.
What is Ferdinand’s view of his control over his courtiers and their behaviour?
Why do you laugh? Methinks you that are courtiers should be my touchwood, take fire when I give fire, that is, laugh when I laugh.
How is the Cardinal decpetive in his appearance and his corruption of Catholicism?
Observe his inward character. He is a melancholy churchman… where he is jealous of any man he lays worse plots for them that ever was imposed on Hercules
How does Ferdinand go around society interactions and communication?
He speaks with other’s tongues and hears men’s suits with other’s ears
How does Antonio initially describe the Duchess?
Let all sweet ladies break their flattering glasses and dress themselves in her.
How does Antonio summarise his description of the Duchess in Act 1 Scene 1
She stains the time past lights the time to come
What are Ferdinand’s ideas about young widowhood and why?
She’s a young widow, I would not have her marry again.
Do not you ask the reason, but be satisfied. I say I would not.
What does Ferdinand tell Bosola about how he should act in the Duchess’ household that raises questions on identity?
Be yourself. Keep your old garb of melancholy
How does Ferdinand try to define the duchess in Act 1 Scene 2, as well as in relation with her experience of sexuality?
You are a widow. You know already what man is.
What does the Duchess say in relation to marrying again and diamonds?
Diamonds are of most value, they say, that have past through most jeweller’s hands
How does Cardinal connect marriage with entrapment?
The marriage night is the entrance into some prison
Where does Ferdinand start to get really creepy, interpretative to the phallus or to their connection as twins?
You are my sister. This was my father’s poinard. Do you see? I’d loath to see’t look rusty, ‘cause ‘twas his.
What does the Duchess conclude that links to narration?
Let old wives report I winked and chose a husband
When asked what he thinks of marriage in relation to the afterlife, what does Antonio say?
I take’t as those that deny purgatory. It locally contains or heaven or hell
What is the key thing the Duchess says in relation to grief and agency (back of book)?
This is flesh and blood, sir. ‘Tis not the figure cut in alabaster kneels at my husband’s tomb.
What does Cariola say about the Duchess that is interesting in terms of gendered terms?
Whether the spirit of greatness of woman reign most in her I know not, but it shows a fearful madness.
In Act 2 Scene 1, what does Bosola say that prompt T.S Elliot to describe Webster as someone who saw the “skull beneath the skin”?
We are eaten up of lice and worms, and though continually we bear about us a rotten and dead body, we delight to hide it in rich tissue.
How does Bosola describe the fluctuations of appearance in the Duchess?
She wanes i’ th’ cheek and waxes fat i’ th’ flank, and contrary to our Italian fashion, wears a loose-bodied gown.
After the Duchess eats the apricots and they upset her stomach, what does she say?
I fear I am undone
As Bosola draws near to the pregnancy room and collides with Antonio, what does Antonio say?
This fellow will undo me
What does the Cardinal say to Julia that relates to birds, freedom, and female sexuality?
You may thank me, lady. I have taken you off your melancholy perch, bore you upon my fist, and showed you game, and let you fly at it.
What does the Cardinal say about wise love and cuckolding?
I’ll love you wisely- that’s jealously- since I am very certain you cannot me make cuckold
How does Ferdinand begin to lose control of the Duchess and his imagination (hint: hyena)
Methinks I see her laughing. Excellent hyena! Talk to me somewhat- quickly, or my imagination will carry me to see her in the shameful act of sin.
How will Ferdinand quench his wildfire?
‘Tis not your whore’s milk that shall quench my wild-fire, but your whore’s blood.
What questions and reasonings does the Duchess give for marrying as a widow to Ferdinand?
Why might I not marry? I have not gone about in this to create any new world or custom.
Why should only I, of all the other princes in the world, be cased up like a holy relic? I have youth and a little beauty.
What does the Cardinal think about the beastliness of emotions?
There is not in nature a thing that makes man so deformed, so beastly, as doth intemperate anger.
What does Ferdinand say will be his punishment to the Duchess in relation to time and light?
I’ll find scorpions to string my whips and fix her in a general eclipse.
In response to the Duchess’s questions and reasonings on remarrying, what does Ferdinand reply that echoes lines from the play?
Thou art undone
What does the Cardinal ask about the Duchess using religion as an excuse that is very hypocritical?
Doth she make religion her riding hood to keep her from the sun and tempest?
What does the Duchess say that links to the Merchant’s tale, age, fertility, and morality?
My laurel is all withered
What does the Duchess comment about La Rota Fortuna and princes?
When Fortune’s wheel is overcharged with princes, the weight makes it more swift
What metaphor of a salmon and a hound-fish does the Duchess use?
Our value can never be truly known till in the fisher’s basket we be shown
What does Ferdinand say to the Duchess as they are in the dark?
This darkness suits you well
What does the Duchess say that demonstrates her unhappiness of her role as a woman/ mother/ ruler in the corrupt society of a Revenge Tragedy?
I account this world a tedious theatre, for I do play a part in’t ‘gainst my will
Continuing the motif of birds, what does the Duchess say that foreshadows her death?
The robin redbreast and the nightingale never live long in cages
What does the Duchess ask Cariola about her appearance and identity and what does she reply?
Who do I look like now?
Like to your picture in the gallery- a deal of life in show but none in practice
What does the Duchess ask Bosola as he is preparing to kill her and what does she reply?
Who am I?
Thou art a box of wormseed
Am not I thy Duchess?
Most iconic line in the play?
I am Duchess of Malfi still
What does the Duchess say before she is strangled that could hint at her reclaiming of her body politic?
Heaven’s gates are not so highly arches as princes’ palaces. They that enter there must go upon their knees [kneels]… go tell my brothers when I am laid out- they then may feed in quiet
What does Ferdinand say when he sees the dead Duchess in relation to light?
Cover her face. Mine yes dazzle! She died young.
How does Ferdinand begin to absolve of responsibility and raises questions of authority?
Mine? was I her judge?
How does Bosola contrast servitude with virtue?
Rather sought to appear a true servant than an honest man
When Bosola sees the Duchess is alive, what does he cry in despair?
Return, fair soul from darkness and lead mine out of this sensible hell!
How do we get a sense of resolution of cyclical structure at the end of Act 4 Scene 2 in relation to society and Bosola’s role as Malcontent?
This is manly sorrow!… Where were these penitent fountains while she was living? Oh, they were frozen up.