Key Quotes Flashcards
Complete the quote about oneness of Allah:
“He is”…
“He is Allah who is one”
Complete the quote about omnipotence of Allah:
“He neither”…
“He neither begets nor is he begoten”
- Shows he is one
- Shows he is powerful
Complete the quote about angels:
“Who made the”…
“Who made the angles, having wings two or three or four”
- Shows they are divine beings
Complete the quote about death / afterlife:
“Every soul”…
“Every soul shall taste death”
- Predestination (God’s Plan)
- Akhirah (Afterlife)
Complete the quote about hell:
“Beware the”…
“Beware the fire made for the disbelievers”
- Motive to do good / pray
- Hell / Afterlife (Akhirah)
- God is fair (Nature of Allah)
Complete the quote about predestination:
“the term”
“the term being fixed by writing”
- God’s plan (Predestination)
- Sunnis believe this to be literal
Complete the quote about loyalty to Allah:
“Obey Allah and his messenger”
- Linking Muhammed to divine
- Obligation
Complete the quote about the Holy Books:
“It is nothing”…
“It is nothing but a revelation revealed”
- Shows Qur’an is very important
The Shahadah
“There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is his messenger”
- Sunni and Shi’a have similar beliefs
- Still fundamental difference “and Ali is the friend of Allah”
Complete the quote Salah:
“they would come”…
“they would come even if they had to crawl”
- Prayer must be very important
Complete the quote charity:
“Those who eat”…
“Those who eat while their brother goes hungry is not one of us”
- Be kind / generous
- Threatens with hell
- Sawm: Creates empathy for those who can not eat
Complete the quote about sawm:
“fasting is”…
“fasting is prescribed to you”
- Helps you to understand Allah / suffering
- Shows it is an obligation
Complete the quote about violence:
“Allah does”…
“Allah does not love the aggressor”
- Only defend Islam if it is being attacked (Lesser Jihad)
- Be passive
Complete the quote about contraception:
“Do not kill”…
“Do not kill your children for fear of poverty”
- Do not let money interfere with pregnancy
Complete the quote about family:
“The best of you”
(From Hadith)
“The best of you is the one who behaves best towards the members of his family”
- From the Hadith
Complete the quote about adultery:
“Do not”
“Do not go anywhere near adultery”
Complete the quote about prophets:
“Every community”
“Every community has been sent a warner”
Complete the quote about The Day of Judgement:
“His is”
“His is the judgement”
Complete the quote about omnipotence of Allah:
“All belongs”
“All belongs to him in this world and the next”
Complete the quote about oneness of Allah:
“No one is comparable to him”