Key Quotes Flashcards
3,2 Richard
Divinity / hubris / no resolute action
Not all the water in the rough rude sea can wash the balm off from an anointed king; the breath of wordly men cannot depose the devoutly elected by the lord
4,1 Richard
Metaphor for the downfall of Richard and successful of Bolingbroke
Power shifts from Richard to B
That bucket down and full of tears am I, drinking my griefs while you mount up on high
3,2 Richard
Hubris/ power / divinity
Ambiguous because this is the same scene he dwells upon fate
Am I not king?
4,1 Richard
Tragic loss / ironic as hie excessive belief in divinity has been corrupted / although he is suffering he remains magnificence through speech
“My crown I am, but still my griefs are mine. You may my glories and my state depose. But not my griefs; still am I king of those”
1,4 Richard
Tragic flaw / suffering of England / going to Ireland to fund wars
We are inforced to farm our royal realm; the revenue whereof shall furnish us for our affairs in hand
3,2 Richard
Arrives back from Ireland/ he dwells/ no resolute action / inevitable
“For gods sake let us sit upon the ground and tell sad stories of the death of kings”
2,1 York
Tragic mistake / he stole Henry’s inheritance / rules of inheritance
Did not the one deserve to have an heir?
Richard 3,3
Tragic fall/ loss / mythological biblical reference / descent from high status / inevitable
“Down, down I come, like glist’ring phaeton… in the base court? Base court where kings grown base”
Gaunt 2,1
Biblical imagery about England/ greatness / highlights loss
“This royal throne of kings…Demi paradise”
Richard 3,2
Inevitable fate / dwells / death
“Let’s talk of graves, of worms, of epitaphs… write sorrow on the bosom of the earth””
Gaunt 2,1
England greatness / Richards inept treatment of England
This blessed plot, this earth, this realm, this England”
Richard 5,5
Soliloquy/ pitty/ isolation / change of fortune/
I have been studying how I may compare this prison where I live unto the world
York 2,1
Richards Mistake / suffering / foreboding / fate / Richard doesn’t listen to this
“If you do wrongfully seize Herefords rights … you pluck a 1000 dangers on your head”
Gaunt 1,2
Divinity/ can’t avenge his brothers death / treason if so
For I may never lift an angry arm against his minister
Richard 4,1
Anaphora / repetition / highlights loss / Sufferinf
With my own tears I wash away my balm
With my own hand I give away my crown
Bolingbroke bond with common people
“How he did seem to dub into their hearts with humble and familiar Courtesy
Richard 2,1
Tragic mistake / against rules of inheritance
“We seize into our hands his plate his good, his money and his lands