Key quotes Flashcards
“community and all that nonsense… A man has to look after himself and his own - and -“ Act 1
- His anti-community message is a rejection of socialism
- It is interrupted by the Inspector, showing Priestly’s role
“The Germans don’t want war… Everything to lose and nothing to gain by war.”
- Specifically naming Germans discredits Birling as 2WW happened
“Unsinkable, absolutely unsinkable”
- Further discredits Birling
- The Titanic was unsinkable until it was sinkable. Churchill was great War leader. It seemed impossible to beat him in an election, until it was possible
“the famous younger generation who know it all. And they can’t even take a joke”
- The 2nd death represents 2nd WW
- Generation of WW1 did not learn lesson. Birling’s did not learn lesson
“It would do us all a bit good .. to put ourselves in the place of these young women counting their pennies.”
- Community: we need to put ourselves in others shoes
- Priestly’s fixation of women: he’s saying the biggest injustice is treatment of women
- In 1945 Women have the vote - they can stop injustice
There are millions and millions and millions of Eva Smiths and John Smiths”
- Eva is symbolic: she represents all the Working Class
- Audience of middle class people need to change their opinion of the lower classes
“We are members of one body”
- Language of the Holy Communion
- It is unconscionable for Christians to not believe in community
“If men will not learn that lesson, then they will be taught it in fire and blood and anguish.”
People did not learn lesson in 1918
- People must learn lesson in 1945 otherwise WW3
- Inspector leaving before Act 3 is a test too see if Birlings learn lesson
“In fact, in a kind of way, you might be said to have been jealous of her.”
- Reference to when Shelia sacks Eva
- Odd because Shelia is top of society Eva is bottom.
- Because society gives women lack of freedom; women are forced to value looks and appearances to attract men
” a girl I know had to see him… she only escaped with a torn blouse”
- Displays contrast between Shelia and Mrs Birling
- Sybil would rather hide truth
- Asks audience to choose between Young v Old
“Alright. But it doesn’t make any real difference, you know”
- Shelia makes point that reputation does not matter, our actions do
- Because we are members of one body. She’s learning the lesson
“Why shouldn’t they try for higher wages? We try for the highest possible prices.”
- Eric seems to embody Priestly’s economic message
“she told me that she didn’t want me to go in but that - well, I was in that state when a chap easily turns nasty - and I threatened to make a row.”
“Not really. I intend to pay it back.”
“It’s still the same rotten story whether it’s been told to a police inspector or somebody else.”
“When you’re married you’ll realise that men with important work to do sometimes have to spend nearly all their time and energy on their business. You’ll have to get used to that, just as I had.”
“Girls of that class”
“(agitated) I don’t believe it. I won’t believe it…”
“It happened that a friend of mine… Had gone of to Canada for six months and had let me have the key of a nice little set of rooms he had”
“Everything is alright now, Shelia. (Hold up the ring). What about this ring?
No, not yet, it’s too soon. I must think.”