Key Quotations Flashcards
Macbeth has excessive ambition, which may result in his downfall
“Vaulting ambition/which o’erleaps itself/and falls on t’other”
Lady Macbeth is very ambitious, being certain that the prophecy will come true
“Glamis thou art, and Cawdor, and shalt be/what thou art promis’d”
Lady Macbeth is…
“Look like th’innocent flower,/but be the serpent under’t”
Lady Macbeth is showing…
-women made weak
Maternal instincts
“Come to my woman’s breasts/and take my milk for gall”
Wants to LOSE femininity
Lady Macbeth is driven mad with guilt and is hallucinating blood on her hands
“Out, damned spot”
Macbeth meets the witches and his ambition to become king begins
“Glamis, and Thane of Cawdor/The greatest is behind
Lady Macbeth believes that Macbeth needs more than his ambition to kill Duncan - he doesn’t have the guts to do it
“Art not without ambition, but without / the illness should attend it”
Malcolm is an ‘obstacle’ in Macbeth’s path to being king
“That is a step/on which I must fall down, or else o’erleap/for in my way it lies”
Ambition is Macbeth’s only reason for killing Duncan
“I have no spur / to prick the sides of my intent, but only / vaulting ambition”
Lady Macbeth’s advice to Macbeth on how to avoid blame from others
“Look like th’innocent flower, but be the serpent under’t”
Macbeth is pinning the blame for Duncan’s murder on his sons, averting suspicion from himself
“We hear our bloody cousins… not confessing their cruel parricide”
Lady Macbeth’s words to Duncan have a double meaning - she has been planning his murder
“In every point done twice and then done double”
After Duncan’s murder, Macbeth’s guilt begins to take hold of him
“Macbeth shall sleep no more”
Macbeth post murder, but he’s being a drama queen and using hyperbole
“Will all Neptune’s great. Ocean wash this blood / Clean from my hand? No”
Lady Macbeth is sleepwalking and talking about what and Macbeth have fine as she feels so guilty
“The thane of fife has a wife. Where is she now?”
“I tell you once again, Banquo’s buried / he cannot come out on’s grave”
Macbeth is uncertain/guilty
Uses of lots questions
“Whence is that knocking? / how is’t with me, when every noise appals me?”
Macbeth is brave
“Brave Macbeth - well he deserves that name”
Lady Macbeth showing appearance and reality
- pretends to faint, taking advantage of stereotypes
- weak overcome by shock -HIDES-> cruel and cold hearted nature
Lady Macbeth showing good and evil
“too full o’th’milk of human kindness”
Lady Macbeth showing symbolism of masculinity
- masculinity synonymous with strength + violence
- Shakespeare shows women as being just as cold hearted and ruthless as men
- “unsex me here” “direst cruelty”
Lady Macbeth is cruel
“and fill me from the crown to the toe topfull / of direst cruelty”
Lady Macbeth is disturbed
“She is troubled with thick coming fancies”