Key Quotations Flashcards
Chapter 5 - Bank Monster
- ‘It’s the monster. Men made it, but they can’t control it’
- ‘When the monster stops growing, it dies. It can’t stay one size.’
Chapter 8 - Ma swaying
‘If she swayed, the family shook’
Chapter 9 - Hope in California
- ‘We can start again, in the new rich land - in California, where the fruit grows’
- ‘In California they got high wages’
Chapter 12 - Route 66
‘66 is the path of the people in flight’
Chapter 14 - Hunger
‘Hunger in a stomach multiplied a million times’
Chapter 14 - ‘I’ vs ‘We’
‘The quality of owning freezes you forever in ‘I’ and cuts you off forever from the ‘we’’
Chapter 25 - Grapes of Wrath, anger within the people
‘In the souls of the people the grapes of wrath are filling’
Little boy on starving father
‘Noew he’s too weak. Can’t hardly move.’
Chapter 5 Tenant Farmer
‘I don’t aim to starve to death before I kill the man that’s starving me’
Chapter 9 - Families can’t start again, only continue or give up
‘We can’t start again.’
Chapter 13 - Dairy Wilson on helping
‘People needs to help.’
Chapter 7 - Used car salesman deceiving westward bound families
‘Goin to California? Here’s jus’ what you need. Looks shot, but they’s thousands of miles in her.’
Chapter 30 - Mrs Wainwright on laws
‘They’s lots of things ‘gainst the law that we can’t help doin’
Chapter 6- Muley Graves on leaving his land
‘I couldn’, somepin jus’ wouldn’t let me.’
Chapter 18 - Okies in California
‘We don’t want you godamn Okie settlin’ down.’
Chapter 19- Hoovervilles
- ‘Theres a whole raft of Okies there’
Chapter 19- The Hooverville camp close-up
‘There was no order to the camp; little grey tents, shacks, cars were scattered about at random.’
Chapter 22 - Friendliness of Weedpatch
‘The watchman laughed’
Chapter 22 - Power for the migrants in Weedpatch (Central Committee)
‘You can vote ‘em out jus’ as quick as you vote em’ in’
Chapter 20 - description of Weedpatch
‘Oh, you never seen anything so nice.’
Muley Graves wandering around
‘I’m just wandering around like a damn ol’ graveyard ghost.’
Uncle John on sin
‘I ain’t never done nothin that wasn’t part sin.’