Key principles and functions of the UK cons Flashcards
Magna carta and Bill of rights
⇒ Magna carta: formed independence of the church, liberties and customs of london and the right to free trial
⇒ Bill of rights [1689]: Etablished freedom of parliament, elections, and free speech in parli.
Case law
⇒ Derived from common case law based on precedent ones
Three main princples of the Uk cons.
⇒ Seperation of powers
⇒ Rule of law
⇒ Parlimentary soverginity
Princ. 1: Seperation of powers- Montesqui doctorine
⇒Montesqui doctorine first espoused it as: Divsion of the three branches of gov: Legislative, executive and Judicary branches
⇒ M. Doctorine enforced that there should be no overlap of the functions to prevent the abuse of power
Functions of the branches:
(John branche)
⇒Legislative: Creates laws
⇒Executive: Implements laws and makes public policy
⇒ Judiciary: Enforce legisl.
The application of S.O.P in the UK
It is a partial seperation, due to westminster system of parliament:
⇒ Shift in Uk from pure seperation post CRA:
⇒ There is an overlap of powers between the executive and legislative branch- Both in house of commons, and exec makes decisions with the legis branch
⇒The executive branch= delegated powers by parliament to enact sec. legis.
⇒ Legsil. branch= Makes primary legis. Is sovergin
⇒Still maintains checks and balance system to regulate power
S.O.P: Branches must comply with each other
Branches must comply with the other branch:
⇒M v Homes: Executive must comply with courts
⇒Anderson: Exec cannot perform judicial functions like setting prision sentences
⇒Fire bridage union: Sect of state exceeded their delegated power by refusing to bring into force new scheme required by statue
Function of S.O.P
⇒ Ensures parlimentary encountability
⇒ Prevents elective dictatorship
⇒ Regulates any attempt at arbitary use of power to maintain UK citizens rights
Importance and challenges of S.O.P
⇒Effecient promotion- Tyranny is prevented through S.O.P
⇒ Ensures parlimentary encountability
⇒ Prevents elective dictatorship
⇒ Regulates any attempt at arbitary use of power to maintain UK citizens rights
⇒But, when the branches overlap, that can cause challenges to maintaining distinct instutions-co-operation and co-ordination is required for effective function
Debate on complete S.O.P desirability in UK:
⇒ Advocates (Lord irvine) believe that it ensures a check and balance system and prevents excessive power
⇒ Critics (i.e. bagehot) argue that some level of overlap is required for effective goverance
Princ (2) Rule of law:Diceys elements and Function
Dicey element on rule of law: ⇒Everyone is equal under law, no one is superior to the other “law over arbitary power”
⇒ Government must be under the law
⇒Judicial review: When rights are breached
Types of Rule of law
⇒ Formal: Predetermined by precendent laws, to ensure that laws are clear, evenly applied and equal/ fair
⇒ Substantive: Focuses on content of law to ensure that the laws are protects rights and promotes fairness for all
Rule of law: balance
Balance of ROL:
⇒ The rule of law has to be balanced when aganist other cons. values
⇒ This involves weighing the importance of the R.O.L and the other cons. and possible curtailing the R.O.L to priortise of cons.princples
Advantages and disadvantages of the R.O.L:
⇒ stability,
⇒open access to justice when needed
⇒ Critics argue that a strictly formal concept of R.O.L creates to much vices in the form of exaggerated legalism and the neglect of real world conflict
Princple 3: Parlimentary sovergnity
Diceys elements of Parlimentary sovergnity:
⇒ Supermacy of parliment in the UK
This includes:
⇒ Parliaments utmost ability to enact, amend and overide laws
⇒ Preventing any one from challenging parliament even the judiciary
Historicial context of P.S
⇒ Bill of rights: This influenced the P.S as it intitially limited the monrachs party and etablished P.S
⇒HRA article 9: freedom of speech in parli. are protected- no cencorship
Cons. Supermacy v Parli. Sov:
⇒ In Uk- Parli. is sovergin and in accordance with dicey cannot be challenged
⇒ Cons supermacy- Cons is sovergin and all laws must be enacted to align with the cons- As in US
⇒ Other systems: Contential- courts are the guardians of the cons to ensure that gov actions comply with the princples
⇒ In the UK there is no guardian of the cons, parli. is sovergin and cannot be challenged
Parl sov in terms of brexit
Case: R (Miller) v Sect of state for exiting EU [2017]- Restated parl. sovergnity
⇒ Gov trigged the article 50 with preg.powers
⇒ But this was unlawful as as parli. approval was needed
⇒Sewel convention arised in causing challeges as well as scotland and N.I voting a majority to stay and under the sewel convention, devovled legis must consent to UK parliaments acts
⇒Courts ruled that preg power with parl approval was unlawful- Restated parli. soverginity
⇒ No scot or NI veto: No obligation to consent from dev legislation
Parl. sovergnity v Popular sovergnity
⇒ Brexit triggered art 50 with preg powers
⇒ Parliament asked the people to stay or leave EU and majority voted leave
⇒In that case, soverginity of parli. was displaced for the sovergnity of people
⇒ Issue: Referendums are adivsory due to parl. sov
⇒but due to majority brexit votes, gen pub cannot be ignored- House of lords statement 2009
⇒ Brexieters wanted to art 50 triggered by remainers wanted the parl. sov to be upheld
⇒ Miller case restated Parl sov but parl did demonstrated that it is a cowed body
Counter- Referdums are acts of parliament- it is parliament giving the gen pub the power to decide their own fate
Eu laws and parli. sov
⇒ Lord dennings highlighted that EU law was priorty over UK law in accordance with 1972 EC
⇒ But parliament can pass Uk laws that repudiate EU and dennings stated that the courts have to follow them
Limitations and regulation of P.S
Form of Regulation:
⇒ Devolution delegates power with reliquishing sovergnity of parliment
⇒ Sewel convention restricts parl. from legislating on devolved matters in scotland, wales and NI without devolved agreement
⇒ This holds parliament accountable from overstepping devolved powers
⇒ No judicial review or challenges allowed for P.S
⇒ Permits parliment to enact laws with little regulation on any subject matter
⇒Question legal validity as they cannot be challenged under P.S