Key Points Flashcards
Define CBR
crude birth rate: number of live births per 1000 people
Define GFR
general fertility rate: number of live births per 1000 females aged 15-44 years
Define TPFR
total period fertility rate: the average number of children that would be born to a hypothetical women in her life
Define fecundity
The physical ability to reproduce.
Define census
The simultaneous recording of demographic data by the government at a particular time, pertaining to all the persons who live in a particular territory.
Define fertility
The realisation of the ability to reproduce as births.
What is fertility increase by?
increased sexual activity and better economic climate
What is fertility decreased by?
contraception and abortion
What is the use of CBR?
describing the impact of births on the size of the population
What is the use of GFR?
comparing fertility of fertile female populations
What is the use of TPFR?
comparing fertility of fertile female populations without being influenced by age-group structure
Define CDR
crude death rate: number of deaths per 1000 people
Define ASDR
age specific death rate: number of deaths per 1000 people in a specific age group
What is the SMR?
standardised mortality rate: compares observed number of deaths will expected number of deaths if age-sex distribution of the population compared to the reference were identical
Which things affect population size?
births (fertility rates), deaths and migration
Who will be missed off a census?
Homeless people
What is a fairly common problem in hospitals that leads to statistical errors?
classification or coding errors
Define chance
the occurrence of events without any obvious cause
Define bias
the inclination or prejudice for or against something, considered unfair
Define confounder
variable that correlates with both the dependent and independent variables without being on the causal pathway, usually a variable that was not adjusted for
Define incidence
The number of new cases of a disease in a population in a specific time period.
Define prevalence
The number of people with a particular disease in a population at a given time.
What kind of statistic is prevalence?
A proportion
What is the formula for incidence rate?
new events / (people x time (yrs))
Define aetiology
cause (of a disease)
What is the formula for the IRR?
rate B (exposed) / rate A (unexposed)
Rate is a measure of what kind of risk?
Absolute risk
Ratio is a measure of what kind of risk?
How is SMR expressed?
As a percentage
100 = same risk in both population >100 = higher risk in study population than reference
What is the null hypothesis if it is a rate and if it is a difference?
rate = 1 difference = 0
Define hypothesis
a statement that an underlying tendency of scientific interest takes a particular quantitative value
What does it mean if p
we can reject Ho because the probability of getting an observation based on the hypothesis being true is low
Ho is outside the confidence interval
statistically significant
What does it mean if p>0.05?
we cannot reject Ho, within the confidence interval and not statistically significant
How do we work out the lower limit?
observed value / error factor