Key Poem Quotes Flashcards
Merciless …. East ….. That …… ..
Merciless iced east winds that knive us
Shows harsh weather conditions
Sneer .. …. ……..
Sneer of cold command
My name … ……. ….. ……
My name is ozymandias king of kings
Volta(shift of speakers)
Nothing …… …….
Nothing besides remains
Short sentence implies short shortness of power
Marks of …… ……. …. ……
Marks of weakness marks of woe
Shows how the Londoners were treated by the government
In every … .. …… ….
In every cry of every man
How the …….-……. …
How the chimney-sweepers cry
But ….. …….
But nothing happens
Repetition shows the paranoid soldiers and mental torture being set on them
The poignant …… ….. ….. ….. …. ….
The poignant misery of dawn begins to grow
On another occasion
Chaotic start symbolises chaotic battlefield
Well myself … ……. ….. ….. …… …. …..
Well myself and somebody else and somebody else
Repetition to deflect the blame that he did not kill the person
His blood ….. …. … … ….
His blood shadow stays out on the street
Symbolises PTSD that the man is still there and in his mind
Probably ….. …… …..
Probably armed possibly not
Shows the risk he took to protect civilians
A shaven …. …. … …….. ………
A shaven head full of powerful incantations
Shows the pilot is not willingly doing this but has been told to ( spell has been cast on him)
My mother …… ….. ….. … ….. …….
My mother never spoke again in his presence
Shows how disappointed even family can be.
Green-…. …….. ….
Green-blue translucent sea
Shows peace and calmness which contrasts the reality of the mission going ahead